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Chapter 9

The next morning, Mike stirred and finally cracked his eyes open. He'd been warm and comfortable all night, but just recently, something had changed to make him a little less cozy. The bed had gotten colder, and when he felt around for a certain 'thing' to snuggle up to and regain some of his previous warmth, it wasn't there for him.

"Hrnmm?" he moaned, sitting up sleepily and stretching. The bed was empty aside from his very own self. Tai was up and about.

Sighing in resignation, Mike threw back his covers and stood. It was obviously time to get up; the early-morning sun was shining tentatively through heavy gray clouds into his room. It looked like it was going to rain a little.

He slipped into his warm green and white cotton pajamas, even though he hadn't worn them to bed. They were nearby and comfortable.

When he ambled into the den, he spotted Tai sitting cross-legged on the carpet and actually dressed, an old plain dark-blue shirt and faded jeans, in front of the television. He was watching a cartoon that vaguely tickled Mike's memory somehow. "Good morning, Tai!" he said, yawning as he joined the younger kit. A strange watermark at the bottom of the television screen claimed it was quarter past seven.

Tai looked over at him and smiled. A genuine smile. "Morning!" he piped. "Your dad's up too."

"He gets up really early every day." Mike frowned at the television. Colorful mythical creatures seemed to be battling at the behest of a bunch of kits about his age, in the middle of a small town's street. "Is this...? Umm... what was it called again?"

Tai nodded immediately. "Battle Eidolon ZERO." He pointed at the screen. "I've missed lots. They've nearly caught the leader of the Emerald Knights. Last time I watched, they didn't know who it was. Turns out it was the guy who let them stay in his garage when they first got to the town. I thought he was a cool guy, but he's an eidolon smuggler."

"I don't usually get up this early. Dad lets me sleep till nine unless I have practice. Is the show any good?"

Tai grinned. "I tried not to wake you."

"It's okay. You didn't really." Mike shrugged.

"This is my favorite television show. It's good." Tai fixed his eyes to the screen again. Then he looked a little sheepish. "Um, did you want to watch something?"

"Nuh-uh. You can keep watching. I usually don't get up this early. I'll watch with you if you want?"

Tai tried and failed to hide his excitement. "Sure!" He scooted a little closer to Mike. "I'll explain stuff."

Mike casually draped an arm over the smaller kit's shoulders. The very idea of having someone to watch his favorite show with just thrilled Tai, and it seemed that he'd finally been able to wake up happy. That meant that Mike had succeeded, and succeeding always made him feel great. He was just one of those furs.

At first, Mike was mostly just feigning interest. He wasn't a fan of television, preferring more active forms of entertainment, like his swimming, video games or playing with toys; television was just too sedentary for him. Too boring. He even preferred books or comics, because at least then his mind was at work.

But as the show went on, he found his interest building. It really wasn't too bad. Watching immensely powerful mythical creatures tear each other up with obscenely flashy energy maneuvers and savage physical onslaughts had its own appeal, but the characters were well acted and the plot seemed substantial.

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