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Chapter 5

When Robert returned, the two boys were sitting in Mike's room, clad in fluffy blue cotton bathrobes and their brightly colored satin boxers, playing the Gamestation. Their pointed ears were perked and their attention was riveted on their game. Robert smiled tolerantly.

"Sorry, that took a little longer than expected and it got cold," the grown-up apologized from the doorway, thumbing in the direction of the kitchen. "The food is in the fridge. I'll heat it back up at about six, okay."

"Okay, dad," Mike nodded, getting onto his knees and maneuvering around to lie on his belly, never relinquishing the controller. "Thanks a bunch."

"That's alright." Robert surreptitiously sniffed at the air. The distinct scent of their peachy shampoo and conditioner hung heavy in the air. "Okay, I'll be in my study if you need anything, guys. Have some work to do. Oh, Tai?" The tawny furred pup looked up at him inquiringly. "Your mother will be back in about two days. She asked me to tell you that she's sorry for springing this on you."

"Oh, okay..." Tai was wondering when his mother would try to get in touch with him. Assuming she ever bothered.

"She also says that you should grab some clothes from your apartment." Robert nodded approvingly at his son. "Good thinking, Mike. Giving Tai your old bathrobe, I mean. I forgot you still had it. Okie-dokie, catch you two later!" He exited and shut the door behind him.

"Your dad has to work? Today?" Tai's voice was slightly incredulous. "So late?"

"Of course; no rest for the wicked. Why?"

Tai frowned. "I dunno. He gets home from the fair, but then he has to work?"

Mike nodded. "Growing up sucks."

The tawny kit got up and lay down next to his friend, sliding a paw into his open robe and placing it on Mike's back. "You're warm..." he remarked softly.

Mike nodded again. "Yeah, so are you. It's because we just got out of the bath, I think."

"Hmmm. That was really nice."

Mike looked sidelong at his friend. He was getting braver. Tai was surer of Mike now, and he openly sought this contact. Wanted to keep close. A major change for the boy who seemed so reserved, almost distrustful, when they first met.

It made sense, Mike figured. Now that he had convinced Tai he wasn't going to hurt him, the kit was showing his affectionate side. Perhaps desperate for someone to touch, or hug, because his mom always seemed to be away. As far as Mike could tell anyway.

"Hey, you still haven't really told me what happened to your paw," he pointed out, not taking his eyes away from the screen, while expertly dispatching several of the computer controlled opponents. "I mean, what actually happened?"

Tai shrugged and pulled his arm out of Mike's bathrobe. "I couldn't get around Darron and his friends and I thought they were gonna kill me so I jumped off the top of the car-park and landed in a cart. I hit my paw on the edge. The doctors said that I, um, separated it or something."

"So it was dislocated, huh?" Mike nodded knowingly. "Better than broken! You were so lucky. Should be okay pretty soon. I did that to my elbow once. It really hurts when they put it back into place, doesn't it?"

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