Chapter 1

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Diabolik Lovers: The School
       - Iris BloodsWorth just arrived from the demon world and is going to the famous night school, called there by an indescribable tug coming from her chest. She's currently flying over the humongous school, gliding on the wind currents with her black and electric blue wings, waiting for a moment when she can land on the roof of the school without a chance at being seen.

       *sigh* I breath for the fifth time. I loved flying at night, it was always so hushed and peaceful. But when you do nothing but circle around the same airspace for around an gets old.

    Luckily, I don't have to go to school until tomorrow, but that still leaves little time for me to conjure up a house in the woods (Yes I was being sarcastic with that comment) gather my clothes and get some sleep. And for that, I need to be on the ground.

    Which is something I can't do unless there is no chance of me being seen.

    Finally, as if the universe had heard me, the bell rings summoning all the students to class. In another five minutes, the school grounds appeared abandoned, all students in their rooms.

    Knowing I had to be fast, I snapped my wings shut and did a fast, sleek dive that left me grinning on one knee, my wings spread in a stunning display. I almost wish I did have an audience to see that dive...almost

    Batting my wings three times to rid myself of any stiffness they've acquired, then I spread them to my fullest width, and tense as the electric blue patterns on my wings begin to glow and my wings were drawn into my back, leaving behind a tribal wing tattoo consisting of a series of dots and curved lines. Pulling my uniform jacket on over the undershirt I designed for my wings, I touch up my appearance (so my hair didn't look so windblown) and make my way to a staircase leading off the roof.

* * * *
Time Skip (cause this is my story and I'm entitled M ;)  )
* * * *

    Unfortunately, when you're new at a huge night-school with no one to show you around, well....I'll let you guess just how quickly I got lost in this labyrinth of hallways.

    Ten minutes later, I'm practically waiting for David Bowie and his puppets to jump out and do a musical number.

    "Come one," I mutter, "How hard can it be to find the office?"

     Apparently very hard, cause three minutes later and still no luck, I'm beginning to get antsy. I don't want any of the students seeing me just yet, granted some will see me sometime today, but if any of them catch me in the hallway, it'll be a montage of questions I'm currently not in the mood to answer.

     And unfortunately, I'm not exactly someone who has an easy time "blending in".

    Being a full blooded demon, I don't even appear remotely human, even if I'm in a human form. With my hair being a deep blue-black, it just brushes the top of my bottom and is choppy with layers, giving me and "untamed" look as my mother calls it. my eyes are a blue-purple glass color that almost seems to reflect the light. Oh, and do I have to mention that whenever I lose control of my emotions, or someone catches me off guard, my eyes will turn a burning gold? My figure can be compared to that of a runner or a swimmer, being flying almost twentyfour-seven can keep you in pretty good shape.

Diabolik Lovers X Reader: A Devious Family SurpriseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora