Chapter 2: Exo's Back Next Door

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It had already been three days since the boys moved back in and all of their stuff was finally inside.

"Aish! Why do you guys need all of this stuff?" Yeon Hee asked, rubbing her back after she set the last box down. "There are only five of you!"

Baekhyun looked around at the boxes spread out throughout the house, then glanced over at Chanyeol. "You haven't told her? Wow." The younger shook his head and clicked his tongue disapprovingly.

Chan gave Baekhyun his best shut-up-or-I'll-kill-you look and looked over at Yeon Hee. "Uh, the thing is, it's not only five of us."

Yeon Hee looked puzzled, her eyebrows raised and the corners of her mouth turned down into a small frown. "Do you mean... There are more Exos coming?"

As if on cue, Kai swung the door open, which hit the wall hard enough to make the painting that was strung up tilt to the right. Yeon Hee jumped. "Kai!" She said happily a she ran over and hugged him. The dark-haired boy hugged her back after dropping his bag.

The tightness in her chest went down a little. It was good to see a friend again.

"Hey, Kai, maybe not in front of Chanyeol, " A voice from behind Kai said.

Yeon Hee pulled away and saw Xiumin. They hadn't really spoken before, but they knew a lot about each other (although Yeon Hee probably knew more about Xiumin from her years if being an Exo-L). She didn't know how to greet him-- if she should be formal or not-- so she decided to hug him. It wasn't the same hug as she'd attacked Kai with, but it was certainly more awkward than her encounter with Suho a few days ago.

Then Sehun was beside the two. "I thought you guys weren't coming until next week." There was a huge grin plastered on his face. "Where's Chen and Lay?"

"Right here!" Lay said, coming through the door with three boxes in his hands. "Kai, you could have taken your own stuff at least." His brown hair was plastered to his face with sweat.

"Why would I do it when I know that you would do it for me?" Kai said with a smirk. Lay didn't seem to find that very funny though. The boy just looked at Kai and pointed to the door.

"Go get your own god damn suitcases."

Kai held up his hands in defeat before retreating out the door.

Yeon Hee smiled. She missed having the boys around. They always made her laugh. She looked over at Chanyeol, who noticed her staring. He walked over to her, wrapping his arms around Yeon Hee's shoulders. "Exo's back next door." He smiled.

Yeon Hee smiled back, the tightness in her chest returning once again.

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