Chapter 12

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Clint landed the jet in some trees to avoid the jet from being seen. Then everyone got out and we walked through an empty field until we got to a farm. It was Clint's house. As we got closer to the house everyone looked confused and thought of it as a safe house. We went inside and Laura came to greet us. She's my sister in-law. 

Clint introduced her to the team and she said hi back and that she knew all their names. Then my niece and nephew saw Clint and gave him a big hug. Then they saw me and did the same. After that my niece asked if Nat was around and she came out from behind the guys and gave both of them a hug.  

I was talking with Laura when we went outside because she needed to ask Tony for a favor. I was walking when I heard a weird conversation between Tony and Steve. 

"Don't touch my pile!" Tony yelled.

He walked away from his pile of wood that was much smaller than Steve's.

As I walked towards Steve he started laughing.

"That guy's a clown!" We both laughed.

After we settled down I decided to ask Steve about what happened between me and Ultron.

"Steve, what happened to me?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"All I can remember is that I saw myself in a mirror and I was a dragon again and you guys were trying to kill me and I was trying to kill you." I looked down at my hands and started to cry.

"Ultron used the witch to mess with our heads and she made us see things from our pasts and futures." He said as he pulled me into a hug.

"So maybe it's my future, our future."

He picked up my face and told me "That will never happen."

Then we had a long and passionate kiss.

We spent the rest of the day outside and I have to say when he isn't Captain America, Steve shows his child side. He kept chasing me.

He chased me and came up behind me and grabbed me and picked me up.

After awhile we both went inside to see the team gathered in the kitchen and dining room. Everyone was there except Thor. He left earlier because he had some business to attend to. Nick was there and he was telling us about what to do about Ultron.

A few minutes into our group conversation, my niece came in and gave Nat and I some drawings. Then she went to bed, but for awhile Bruce kept looking at the one Nat had. It was a butterfly. Steve started saying that Ultron needs to get stronger and Bruce went closer to the table where Nat was sitting.

"Ultron is going to evolve." He said. 

After Bruce said that, the team almost looked scared. Like they were afraid they were going to loose or something.

Laura came in after Fury left and she told us that we should get some sleep. So Steve, Tony and Bruce took the living room and Nat and I took the guest room.

The next morning we found out that Ultron had stolen the synthetic body that Dr. Helen Cho was working on. He plans on uploading himself into it. 

We found him in a truck and Steve went to "go say hi". Nat, Clint and I were in the Jet waiting for orders, but when Steve lost his shield in the street, Nat went on her motorcycle, found him, and threw it back. 

Steve and Ultron fell into a train, but Steve was helped by the Maximoffs. Nat then went to grab the body, but she ended up getting captured.

Steve told us to go back to the Avengers tower and Clint was furious that we couldn't go find Nat. He was silent the whole flight back.

When we made it back Steve, Wanda, Pietro, Tony and Bruce were already there. Tony had the body and took it and Bruce to the lab.

They were in there for about an hour so I read a book and Steve made me read it aloud. I don't know why, but he doesn't understand the story and he says he likes it.

"Why do you like the story so much?"

"I like the main character and his life sounds cool."



"His parents are dead, his aunt, uncle and cousin don't like him and the wizard who killed his parents is trying to kill him because he's the chosen one and he couldn't kill him when he killed his parents."

"I still like it though."

"What's the name of the title?"

"Harry Potter."

"Who's the main character?"

"Neville Loadbutton."


I just put my head down and hit my palm on my forehead.


With that I threw the book across the room and it scared Steve.

I apologized and we hugged and he said I love you and I said it back.

Then Steve grabbed my hand and we ran to the lab where apparently Tony was doing something bad. 

When we were in Tony's lab, Steve started to argue with him because Tony didn't destroy the body like he was supposed to. Instead he uploaded Jarvis into it because he wanted to use it against Ultron. They then began to fight each other.

Then Thor came in the lab and landed on-top of the body. Without saying anything and ignoring us he summoned a volt of lightning and put his lightning filled hammer over the body. It overloaded and when Thor took his hammer away, the body broke out and Thor dropped his hammer and flew across the room. 

When the body came out, he had the colors of red and blue and a shining gold stone on his forehead. He looked around and started to attack Thor, but Thor grabbed him and threw him threw a glass wall and he stopped himself from going through the window. He stared at it for awhile, like he knew who he was. 

He flew away from the window and stood next to Thor, well more like floated. He had changed his appearance as well. He know has a blue suit and a gold cape. Everyone was listening to him make a speech about him being a monster like Ultron and whether we should trust him or not. 

When he was done he turned to Thor and said....

"We need to go." With Thor's hammer in his hand.

Thor took it and walked away like nothing happened, but we were all speechless and we kept looking at each other. Then we went on our way to find Nat and stop Ultron. 

Sorry for the slow update, but hopefully I will be able to update more, however I will be finishing this book soon. I will be writing a new fanfic and you can choose which one you want in the a/n that follows this chapter.

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