Chapter 1: Engine Issues and Rain. Lot's of Rain.

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My car choked out and abruptly stopped. Great, two days before I meet my new boss and I don't even have a car yet, or my flat. This is really just my day. Putting it in neutral I manage to put it off onto the shoulder of the road, then I try to get it going to no use it just made awful noises and smoked a bit. I look around, nothing but miles of Italian countryside, and more smoke from the trees. Wait, trees don't smoke, looking closer I see it's a house with a chimney, a very nice house at that. I killed the car completely and decided to head towards the house. I grab my jacket from the shotgun seat, then begin walking that way. I walk thinking about the company that had hired me. Ferrari themselves had offered me a job in international marketing. Which included an almost fifty thousand euro raise. I was now set to make over a hundred thousand euros per year. If my new boss didn't fire me for not being at work when he expected, because at this rate I would be sleeping in the car for the next two days. I wasn't exactly expecting the rich family of the countryside house to help me too much. A hundred meters (330 ft give or take) or so from the house it began to absolutely down pour. I sigh to myself thinking this day in no way could get worse. I finally reach the house, soaked to the bone. Before I can knock a cheery Italian face opens the door 

"Get inside, you're going to a catch a cold!" I doubted I would considering my country of origin, but I was getting sick of the rain. I stepped in slowly unsure of what to do or say. The little Italian man that let me in ran off, he brought back some fluffy white towels. 

"Here you-a go mister. For your hair. You can hang your-a jacket right there and let it dry." He said gesturing to a coat rack. I peeled the rain soaked jacket off and hung it on indicated rack. I took by boots off, that way I didn't ruin his floor, then I watched as the perky little man picked up the shoes and put them on the rocks of his fire place. I just kind of stood there for a moment looking at him. He noticed this and began to babble

"Oh, I'm-a so sorry, where are my-a manners. I'm Feliciano, I just don't-a normally have guests over, and it normally isn't-a raining so much." I was still quiet, watching him bounce around. Finally I spoke to him. 

"I'm Ludwig, I just moved into zhe city from Berlin. My car broke down on zhe highvay and I haven't even gotten to my apartment. Zhen it started raining." I had yet to move because my clothes were still dripping wet, and all over the expensive hardwood floor too. He muttered in Italian at all the water

"I'm very sorry." I said looking at the puddle. 

"It's no problem. ARALDO?" He randomly yelled, then as if from no where a butler appeared. 

"Yes sir?" 

"Can you get something for that water, and see if we have anything-a for our guest to-a wear?" 

"Right-a away, sir" The butler left once more, a maid soon came in cleaning up the water. The butler returned with a stack of freshly folded clothes in his hands. Feliciano sat down on the couch as the butler handed me these clothes. 

"That white door right-a there is a bathroom." He said sitting on his very expensive looking leather couch, then again there wasn't a thing I had seen that wasn't expensive looking. Except the outfit he was wearing. He wore a simply t-shirt with normal jeans, and his socks were two different colors, which bothered me more than I cared to let on. I changed into the clothes which fit rather well. I had been given a black t-shirt, normal jeans, as well as underwear and socks. Italians truly were oddly nice to even random strangers off the streets. Once I had finish putting on these clothes I walked back into the main living area where he had place my boots by the fire place, where he was sipping on some steaming coffee. I was to scared to as much as breath on anything. 

"You can sit on the couch you-a know, that's-a what it's for. I don't-a bite." He said with a friendly smile, so I sat on the couch opposite from. 

"Vhy are jou so nice if I may ask?"

"I'm-a just an Italian doing his good deed for the day. You said you-a just moved here from Berlin?"


"That's a nice city, I've been once or twice." 

"Zis is a very nice house you have."

"Thank you, it's a bit lonely though. Just me, Al, and Sofia." He was referring to the butler and the maid I assumed. I noticed he wore a ring on his left ring finger. 

"Are you married?"

"No, are you looking?" He said, my face turned bright red. As did his as he realized what he said.

"I'M-A SO SORRY!" He blushed "That was-a instinct. I get asked that all the time and that's-a I always answer. I'm so so sorry." 

"It's okay. I vas just curious, I saw you have a ring." I said my blush dying down. 

"That's my grand-papa's ring, he gave it me when-a he made me CEO of our company." Small talk seemed flow between us quiet easily. 

"CEO? You seem awfully young to be a CEO" I myself was just twenty seven. 

"How old do you think I am?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I looked him up and down. 

"You honestly don't look a day over nineteen" I said, at this he burst into laughter. I looked at him curiously. He took a second to recover, I noted as he laughed this odd curl poked out of the side of his hair, bouncing with his movement. 

"I'm-a twenty five!" He finally said, his eyes watering from the laughter. 

"Zat vould make more sense. Vat are you the CEO of?" I asked genuinely curious as to what someone like him could possibly keep in control. He seemed like the type that would be trampled by the other employees. 

"Oh, I'm the CEO of Ferrari down in Maranello."

Coincidence, Maybe?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt