Chapter 7: Planes and Trains

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The next morning we both wake at the same time, Feli moans loudly, in a very pained way. I roll my eyes unseen to him, and whisper, 

"I told you so." 

"Shut up Ludwig, It was worth it." He smiled and stood up slowly, covering himself with the sheets. He noticeably limped into the bathroom to shower. I waited in bed, then after he was finished I went in and took my shower. When I got out I found him already in the kitchen, his head on the counter and his pajamas back on. 

"Call my boss, I need to take a sick day." He said chuckling lightly at his own joke. 

"I don't suppose my boss vould give me a sick day vould he?" I asked rolling my eyes at the little Italian, then I groan as my back had become very stiff. He motioned for me to sit next to him. His little hands made their way over the fabric gently massaging the soreness away. I wish I could have done the same for him. He gasped lightly at something. 

"Vat's wrong?" I asked looking at him, then I feel his warm hands run over my shoulders, in very sensitive spots. Those must be where his nails caught my shoulders last night. 

"I'm sorry." He said running his fingers over them gently. It was relaxing the way he touched the scratches. 

"Vill you cut my pay if I ask you on a date today, instead of going to vork?"

"If it was legal I would give you a bonus." He answered, still gently massaging my back. He had yet to stand up besides in the shower yet, and I wondered just how much pain he was in, standing up I dig through the pantry and find some Ibuprofen, and I pour him a glass of apple juice. He takes both gratefully. I then sit back down, and pull him into my lap gently massaging his hips. He cuddled close to me whispering thank yous over and over again in Italian. 

~~~~ Three months later~~~~~

In those first months of living with Feliciano, I learned many things. One, work and home were two very different places and were always treated as such. Two, thunderstorms mean the bed is shared with all five members of the odd little household, the two of us and the dogs. Three, he prefers dates that are secluded away in the countryside and refrains from going into Maranello if at all possible. 

Today we were starting a trip to Germany, where I would finally get the chance to introduce my amazing boyfriend, to my awesome mother. He was thrilled to get to meet everyone but he was also scared that she wouldn't like him very much. I grabbed our suitcase and went to the car, we would be taking a train, because he was scared to death of flying. As we climbed into the car I asked

"Liebling, vhy are you so terrified of planes"

"I lost my parents, and older brother... to a plane crash. They were going somewhere and as a sickly baby I wasn't allowed to fly, so they left me with grand-papa. I never even knew them." He said sadly, but having never known them he didn't seem to torn about it. We drove to the train station leaving my car parked there in the designated area and got onto the train. We had a nice large compartment to ourselves with a little refrigerator and snack table bolted to the floor. I put our suitcase in the luggage compartment and sat down by the window. He sat down next to me instead of across from me. 

"Tell me a story." He said softly holding onto my arm. 

"About vat?"

"About your Mami" He said mother in Italian which made me smile. 

"Well, first let me tell jou a little bit about her. She is a very kind woman, extremely selfless. Despite Mutti's small size she could take on anyone, she only ever had to spank me vonce as a boy. After zat if she said no I knew zat I under no circumstances should ever disobey her. She loves to be outside all the time, but we couldn't ever afford land of our own, hence her working at the orchards. She used to play the prettiest piano in zhe whole vorld, but after breaking her hand at vork she lost the ability to play. Now she's more zhan happy to just listen to Gilbert play his flute." I said rambling on and on about my mother, I thought that he had fallen asleep, but glancing down his amber eyes met mine. He was really listening intently to everything I had said so far. 

"Maybe she could come out to Maranello, to the mansion. We have lots of land, and trees." He said softly. 

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