3- Invitation

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"So you and Alex's grandma know each other?" Olivia asked me, peering up and gazing into my eyes.

I didn't really want to talk about this at the moment. The thought of Cameron or even his mom pissed me off. No offence to Gina...

"Yeah.." I sigh.

Right now we were in the toy store, searching for a birthday present for Alex. I was looking forward to letting Liv go to this party, but now that I know he's Cameron's kid, I'm having second thoughts.

"What do boys even like to play with?" Olivia sighed, scanning the shelfs of the boy section of the store.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know". I've never had a brother, so I have no clue what a boy likes to play with.

"Can we just get him a Barbie or a baby doll then? If he doesn't like it, then I'll keep it". Olivia suggested.

"No sweetie". I laughed. "That's not fair".

Her lips formed a frown, and she pretended to pout.

"How about this?" I ask, pointing at a box of Marvel action figures. "It's like Barbies.. Except boy version".

"Okay". Livy says.

I grab the box and slip it into the shopping cart.

Just to make her happy, I also slipped in a Barbie doll, and walked up to the cashier.

We scanned the items and even got Alex's present pre-wrapped, for the birthday party tomorrow.

"That'll be $45.99". The old man said, putting his hand out to except the money.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a fifty dollar bill. Handing it to him, I let him keep the change. We walked out of the store, with our stuff, and shoved everything into the cart.


That night, after Olivia had went to bed, I couldn't stop thinking of what had happened today. I run into Gina and she yaps about how Cameron has his own family?! I couldn't help but feel a little bit of jealousy. That 'Alexis' girl should've been me! Not her! She doesn't deserve him.

That night, I cried myself to sleep, soaking and drowning myself in my own tears.


"Is this his address?" I ask, pulling up to the house, that was listed on the invitation card.

I peer through the mirror and see Olivia looking down at the invitation card, and then at the house. "Yuppers". She cheers.

I turn the car off, and steady myself up.

Before I got out, I put on a coat of pink lipstick, and puckered it onto my lips. I then sprayed myself with some perfume too. Maybe this will teach Cameron what he's missing.

Me and Olivia got out of the vehicle and walked up to the gigantic house.
It was a beautiful two-story house, surrounded by rich flowers and palm trees. Cameron must've been rich if he owned a house this beautiful...

Olivia must've sense my nervousness, because she turned around and frowned. "Mommy, are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

I quickly nod my head, and give her a friendly smile.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you".

She smiled, before turning around and skipping up the steps, leading towards the giant glass door. Her hair was lying perfectly down her back, with a pink bow clipping back her loose bangs. She wore her favourite spring dress, and tiny little sneakers. She looked absolutely adorable.

Just as she was almost to the door, I sensed that she wasn't carrying Alex's present.

"Olivia? Did you grab his present?" I called.

She looked back at me with a shocked expression plastered on her face.

"Oh no!" She cried.

"It's okay, you go, and I'll go get the present from the car". I say.

She nods her head as she knocks on the door.

I run back to my vehicle and snatch the gift from the back seat.

Clutching it close to my body, I quickly ran across the road and back to the house.

By then, Olivia had already disappeared.

"Great". I mumbled, realizing that I have to actually go into the house now.

I adjusted my brown hair and knocked on the door. My breathing was beating terribly fast now.

A few seconds later, the door handle turned and the door opened, exposing the last person I wanted to see.



Sorry it's a cliffhanger, next chapter will be much longer, and I won't leave ya guys hanging😋

There's already 300+ views on this story, and it hasn't even been out for 24 hours!

Gotta love ya guys❤️

20 votes and 15 comments for the next update

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