24- Mine

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"I'm going to have a shower". Avery announces, looking at me with her crystal blue eyes. I watched as she turned around and walked out of the kitchen. Her hips swaying from side to side, as she wore those extremely short pajama shorts, that practically teased me.

As soon as she was out of sight, I peered around her small cozy home, looking at all the decorations she placed on the walls and the displays.

Standing up from the bar stool, I walked into the hallway, to see Olivia and Alex watching sponge bob on the television. They were too distracted by the graphics, that they didn't even realize that I walked into the room.

Sneaking past the living room, I began walking up the carpeted staircase, looking at all of the pictures hanging on the wall.

Hundreds of picture frames crawled up the wall, that there was practically no more room for anymore.

As my eyes scanned each photograph, my eyes got locked onto a picture of Avery and baby Olivia at the hospital. Avery was wearing a blue hospital gown, and her face was covered in a coat of sweat. Her face was flushed red, and she looked exhausted. In her arms laid new born Olivia, wrapped in a tiny little pink blanket. The sight was memorizing. Too bad I couldn't be there for that...

Continuing to walk up the stairs, the sound of the shower turned on, indicating that she was now in the shower.

I got upstairs and went back into her sunlit room. To be nice, I decided to make her bed, tightening the blankets to each corner, and then fluffing her pillows and placing them by the headboard.

I sat down at the end of the bed, and laid down. Staring up at the ceiling, I watched as the ceiling fan made continuous loops, and felt the cool breeze being brushed against me.

I wanted to say here forever! I didn't want to go back home to see the face of Satan. Alexis would probably ask me where I stayed, and if I told her that I stayed at Avery's for the night, she'd make an even bigger fuss.

As I drifted off into deep thoughts, the sound of a marimba ringtone began to ring.

I reached into my pockets to see if it was my phone, but it wasn't. I peered over to Avery's side of the bed, and noticed her phone vibrating and ringing against the table.

I quickly grabbed her phone and looked at the screen. The caller ID 'Daniel' was written across the top of the screen, followed by a purple devil emoji. My eyebrows knitted together, curious of who Daniel was.

The call went straight to voicemail, and a notification saying 'missed call' showed up. I set her phone back down, but as soon as it touched the table, it rang again.

For the second time, I picked up her phone, and noticed that he messaged her.

Hey bbg ;) Are we still going on that date Friday night? Text me when you're not busy.
-Daniel xx

I cringed my face as I read the nickname that he just gave her. Baby girl? Who did this guy think he was?

I swiped my finger across the screen, only to be stopped by the stupid password display. Damn it.

Attempting to guess her passcode, I failed miserably, disabling her home for one minute.

Just as I was going to set her phone back down, Avery came back into the room, with a towel wrapped around her body. Once she realized me sitting on the bed with her phone in my hands, her mouth dropped open.

Tainted Love {sequel to The Player}Where stories live. Discover now