28- Reappearance

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Just pretend that Justin is Daniel. Other than that, this picture fits perfectly with this chapter.


Walking back to my table, through the thick crowd of people, I sat down in the booth. "Hey". Daniel says, watching as I scooted back in. "Hi". I simply replied.

No later than when I came back, the waitress also stopped by, with a notepad in one hand and a pen in the other. "Are you guys ready to order?" She asks, looking between the two of us.

Before I could speak up, and say no, Daniel already opened his mouth and began talking. "Yes. Can we get a large basket of chicken wings, and a large chocolate milkshake... We'll share". He glanced back at me and winked.

I stared at him in a questioning look, eager to speak up and stand up for myself. I didn't want to share... Especially with him.

"Perfect!" The waitress says, snapping her notebook shut, and clicking her pen. "I'll put your order in right now". With that, she walks away.

"I hope you like wings and milkshakes". Daniel says, looking at me with a smile.

I wanted to get up and leave. I didn't want to do this anymore. From being all nice and a gentleman, he turned into a selfish, thirsty man whore.

"I do". I replied, just above a whisper.

I glanced around the crowded scenery, and noticed Cameron walking back from the bathrooms. He notices me sitting at the booths, and smoothly makes his way over to me...great.

I watched as he took a seat in the booth across from me, and waited. I began to wonder where Alexis had ran off to. Did she join the stripper team? Did she go home with a wasted man? We will never know.

As we waited for our food, Daniel and I made small talk. He talked about his interests and hobbies, while I just sat there. I wasn't even listening to him actually. My mind was too busy drowning in its own thoughts.

After what felt like forever, our food finally came, and was rested on the table. A giant basket of wings and a giant glass filled with a chocolate milkshake.

After the waitress walked off, Daniel started to dig in. I did too by grabbing some chicken, but I didn't dare to share the milkshake. I didn't want to touch somewhere where he touched. Especially with his mouth. Tonight he disgusted me.

We sat in silence, eating away until our bellies were full. After the basket was completely empty, Daniel finished off the milkshake, and leaned back into his chair.

As he drank that, I grabbed my beer and drank that. I'd rather drink the beer rather than drink the shake.

Daniel stared at me, as I finished the last sip with a giant grin on his face. "You don't seem like a girl who drinks". He smirks.

I vulnerably shrugged my shoulders as I placed the cup back on the table. All I had to do was wait for it to kick in.

Daniel then picked up his, and chugged his down. "Hey". He says. "If we're both too drunk to drive, I'll rent a suite at the hotel down the street".

My jaw dropped open, but I quickly snapped it shut. Was he kidding me? I think he was doing this on purpose now... I should've thought this through.

I turned my head and looked at Cameron who was still sitting alone. But this time, he was eating a tray of fries. He looked really lonely, and I didn't want to do anything except to scoot in next to him and rest my head on his shoulder.

When the waitress walked by us again, Daniel paid the bill, and then got up. "You wanna dance?" He asks, lending his hand out, and waiting for me to grab ahold.

I hesitated for a second, before finally grabbing his hand. As he pulled me out of the booth, I quickly gazed at Cameron who was already staring at us. He had the most serious face I've ever seen before, plastered on his face.

I mouthed a 'sorry' before Daniel literally dragged me onto the dance floor.

When we stepped foot into the centre, Daniel spun me around, pulled me close, and rested his hands on my waist. His face was only centimetres away from mine and I could smell the strong odour of beer lingering from his mouth.

When a new song came on, it was of course a slow song. My feet and Daniels moved carefully to the steady rhythm, and we moved our hips to the melody.

Daniels eyes stared deep into mine, and I grew extremely anxious. I was afraid if he was going to kiss me. To avoid the awkwardness, I stared over his shoulder and watched all of the dancing people.

As the song ended, Daniel spoke up. "Avery?" He quietly asks, causing me to focus back at him. "Yeah?"

His lips trembled, and he looked nervous. "You're so beautiful". He mumbles, as he raises his hand and tucks back my loose strands of hair.

Tucking my hair behind my ear, his eyes closed and he began to lean in. My body tensed up and I immediately pulled my lips between my teeth.

Before anything could happen, a voice from the crowd broke the silence, causing me and Daniel to split.

Turning around, and looking at the anonymous voice, stood someone I never EVER expected to see again.

"Jack!" Daniel cheers, walking to him and doing their silly boy handshake.


This chapter sucks, and it's a cliffhanger. Sorry!

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Tainted Love {sequel to The Player}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt