13- Money

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Driving home, my mind was racing on what I had just encountered. My mind was set between two dimensions. I was either thinking about the damage that was done to my car, or the image of the extremely hot guy. Probably more of the guy. I've never came across such a beautiful thing on earth! His smile, his hair, his body, his personality, ugh!

Once I got home, I hurried inside, slammed the door, and rushed upstairs to my room.

I flopped onto my king sized bed, taking out my phone and pressing the home button.

My lock screen was blown up with missed calls and text messages. All from one particular person... Cameron.

I've forgot about the kiss and everything before. I can't believe I did that. I felt proud about myself, but yet guilty at the same time.

I decided to just ignore him. I'll talk to his sorry ass tomorrow when I have to go over there and pick up Olivia.

I stripped out of my days worth of clothes, and replaced them with a comfy pair of shorts, and a tank top. Pulling my hair up into a ponytail, I slipped under my comforter, and dozed off to sleep.


At exactly 11:34 in the morning, my phone began ringing exuberantly. Vibrating against my wooden side table, loud rattling noises echoed throughout the room.

I slipped my arm out of the warmth of of the blanket, reached over and picked up my phone. I held it to my ear, after pressing answer and let my sleepy voice do the talking.

"Hello?" I asked. My voice was probably raspier than ever.

"Wakey wakey sunshine". An oddly familiar voice chirped into the phone.

"Who is this?" I asked, sitting up from my bed, and stretching.

"It's Daniel. The guy you gave your number to last night?"

"Oh yeah, umm, hi". I say, curious of why he was calling so early in the morning.

"What are you doing today?" He asks.

"Nothing". I reply, getting out of my bed, and walking to the bathroom.

"Good, because I'm taking you out today".

I smiled at how demanding he was.

"Oh really?" I asked, looking at myself and in the mirror and looking at the huge smile that was forming on my face.

"Yes really. I've already got the money for your car damage, so I'd like to give it to you".

"Dang boy. You go fast". I laugh.

"I know". He chuckles. "So meet me at Santa Monica pier at lets see...one o'clock?"

I nodded my head, but realized that he couldn't see me. "Yeah, sounds good". I say.

"Okay, see you later boo". He laughed, followed by the line going blank.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and placed it on the counter. Giggling at my new nick name, I stripped out of my clothes and hopped into the shower.

The warm water washed away all the stress and rum that was built up from last night, rejuvenating me into a completely new person.

After washing my body and hair, I rinsed off and hopped out. Wrapping a white plush towel around my body, I walked myself back into my room and tried to find an outfit for today.

Tainted Love {sequel to The Player}Where stories live. Discover now