Tall People Problem #27: Common Questions

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Well hello again tall folks (and that short person in standing there in the corner...YES I CAN SEE YOU! But don't worry, short people are welcome too! Anyways, it feels sooooooo good to be back and updating! I have finally gotten out of school and MIDTERMS ARE OVER! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL!

Commonly Asked Questions Directed Towards My Tallness:

The classic: How tall are you?

For the sporty ones: Do you play basketball?

You knew this was coming: Have you grown since the last time I saw you?

Well gee, I dunno, can I see over your head?: Are you taller than me?

The one that isn't necessary: How's the weather up there?

Hrrm, I wonder...You tell me: Are your parents tall?

No way Jose: Can you stand back to back?

What do you think?: Are you a model? (The answer is NO, in case you were wondering)

HA NO! My mother won't let me! I'll fall over!: Do you ever wear heels?

I am currently single you blumbering idiot: Is your boyfriend taller than you?

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