Tall People Problem # 64: Bed Sale Extraordinaire

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I know I mentioned something to do with beds and mattresses some time ago, but this time I HAVE A STORY!! ( lol it's been so long my few left-over readers don't remember) 

Anyways, my mom, sister, and I go to Rooms To Go on the Fourth for the sale. We finally find the bed we were looking for...only to realize that I don't fit on the bed. BUT WAIT!! IT GETS WORSE!!! We talk to someone who works there about bed sizes! They go on to tell us that the bed we want doesn't come in the size I need to fit!!!
So basically we wasted half of Fourth of July on nothing.
Hope you guys had a better Fourth than me!! 😂

Just to add, I'm really jealous that those THREE dogs can fit comfortably on ONE bed, yet I can't fit onto the one bed I wanted!!

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