Tall People Problem #40: Comebacks and Insults Galore!

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Have you ever been insulted by infuriating short people? Have you ever wanted to cry and hide in a corner when you can't think of a decent comeback?
Well, LOOK NO FURTHER!! I have journeyed to the ends of the earth to find these comebacks, so take a look below!

What's the weather like up there?
A forecast of rain!
*spits on person*
Less ignorant.

Do you play basketball?
No, do you play mini golf? 
You're so close to the ground. Do you scrub floors for a living?

Oh my god! You're so TALL!
Oh, YOUR god, tell me something your god doesn't know!
Tell me something I DON'T know

You're the Jolly Green Giant!
And you're his little friend!

Just how tall are you?
 Yeah, it's hard not to look down on you  
Insert height) and worth the climb!

Why are you so tall?
Who said that?
I eat Miracle-Gro for breakfast, dinner and lunch.

You're blocking the view.
I AM the view

Wow, it must SUCK to be so tall
Well, no, not really, because people always tell you to stand out, and I can still stand out when I sit down

Are you standing on a box?
Are you standing in a hole?

Are your parents tall?
No, they're circus midgets!
(I highly advise walking away after this to improve the results)

The following you could use for any insult:

I would take offense at these words, were I not ABOVE them!

I can bring your ego shorter than you already are!

Stand up and say that!
(Make sure the shortie is standing up already!)

This one works VERY well on guys, but use for girls if you deem it necessary 

Don't worry hon, just as soon as you hit puberty, you'll start to grow too!

Well, I think that's all for now! Hope this helps you vertically inclined people out there!!

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