Tall People Problem #43: Punny Puns

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Having a bad day? Are people making fun of your tallness? The following jokes are here to put rays of sunshine in your day!

Here's a few Q and A:

Have you ever noticed a clothing article called shorts?
Have you ever noticed a clothing article called talls?

What's the difference between a clown and a tall person?
Their shoe store

What does a tall person do when they see a plane coming?
They duck

Do you know what Victoria's Secret is?
She likes REALLY short guys

How many tall people does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One to get a chair and another to call for a short person

Some one-liners:

I believe in your higher education, you know 6'8 or 6'10

She was so tall that if she fell down, she would be halfway home

He's about 4'10...I tell him to get his nose off of my kneecap

*tomatoes are thrown at author*

AUUGH!! I'm sorry I'm not funny!!

I'll leave!! Just not the tomatoes!! PLEASE!!!!

*Author runs off*

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