Day 2, december 19 3015

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        Why? Why me? What did I do to deserve the hurt and pain?! Huh? What? Why am I never good enough for anyone?! Please tell me! I can't stand not being able to be enough for anyone. I'm such a screwup. I was basically born a mistake! Why doesn't anyone like me? Am I not pretty enough, or good enough? Is my personality too dull? I like one guy and the worst part is that liking him makes me feel. And as soon as I start feeling the pain comes back....I don't k ow what to do anymore. I look at him and I feel, first I feel happy then I feel sad and then the pain invades and I hate it. I can't stand it anymore! What's going on with me?! Please, someone help me. I don't know what I did to deserve this but I will try to live through it because even though others aren't there for me I will always try to be there for others. I wish I was normal. I guess I will talk to you guys as soon as I can.
                          ~ Julia K Giroux

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