Day 6, March 15 2016

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Dear anyone,
I'm moving. Away from everyone and everything and it will just be me my sister her baby and her boyfriend. I know that I said 'everyone' and your probably saying...'but there's other people at the house?'. Well you smart ass! Here's the thing. I am moving home. Home isn't a place, it's a feeling of acceptance and being whole again. That's what I want. I want to be whole again, to be accepted and to be able to be myself. So I am moving away and I'm starting fresh all over again. This all started when my daddy passed away. Hes with my mommy now. I know that some people will judge and say "I bet she's just lying!" Or "really? She's like almost 16! Why does she say mommy and daddy!" But tbh I do because that's what they are. I never had them there when I was younger so that's what they are now.
~Julia Kailie Giroux

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