Day 4, december 27 2015

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Dear anyone,
           I love him. I love him so much......but I can't have him which just makes me want him more! Why did he have to kiss me?! Why did he have to make me feel?! And he's the wrong guy! I'm supposed to fall for fluffy! Isn't that the way it goes! I wish everything could go back to when I was dating him in the first place and stop my friend from telling me he loved me! That way I never would have not been able to have him. I wouldn't have fucked up and been here the way I am! I just want to be normal but not normal because I wouldn't feel. I just want to be left alone and just not feel! Ugh! I love him........I really do. And in the worst possible ways! Why? Whatever. I'll just keep trying to focus and do my own thing!

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