Day 5, december 30 2015

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            The year is almost gone. I'm not quite sure if I'll miss it or not. It wasn't the worst year but it definitely was not the best. Hopefully next year will be better. Next year is when I start being a vegetarian and I will start an official workout plan. Hopefully I will find a guy who likes me for me and doesn't date me just because he wanted some extra in his life. I still like fluffy. He knows. He's known for a while now. I told him myself and we are still friends! Yay! Today sucked, but I got to hangout with faith and go to Alex's house for supper. Alex is like my bro. I miss my mom. I miss my family. I miss my old life where nothing was wrong and the world felt like it was full of possibilities and wonder. Now the world feels like it's full of sadness, disappointment, and fear. Why did I have to be born. And why do I have to live this life. Why can't I have a good life where my biggest worry is if my hair looks okay or something like that. I want to be pretty and excepted by society....I know I tell everyone else to stay strong and don't let society brand them but I do....I really should start listening to my own advice! I like my best friend and I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me back and I still haven't told my mom that I'm pansexual because I'm afraid that she will reject me. She seems really open minded though and maybe I'm just being over dramatic.  I guess that is it for my rant for today. Stay strong and be brave and don't let society brand you! #staybeautiful  .
                          ~Julia K Giroux

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