Chapter 1-Oh Pardon Me Cameron, What Great Abs You Have

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Alright guys!  Here's my new story!  The first part has a little pg-13 action going on, but it's not all going to be like that.  It's just building the plot up!!!  Hope you like it!


                Stumbling down the hall way, I try to keep my steps quite so I won’t wake up everyone else who is sleeping who are not being forced to go down to the kitchen to get a glass of water to wash down a nightmare.  It’s the same thing every time: the night my dad left.  I’ve managed to stop waking up screaming, but still, I have to walk it off if I hope of getting anymore sleep for the night, and since it is only one o’clock, my butt is going back to bed or else! 

                Even though my senses are acute from having the heart-racing wakeup call and my feet have finally found a steady, straight rhythm, it is still really dark; so when I get to the steps at the end of the hall, I forget that there are three steps instead of two which leaves me sprawled out on the floor because of my miscalculation.

                I lay there breathless as I listen to make sure my loud thump from my fall didn’t wake any one up because I so do not want to explain this whole situation to anyone.  Slowly, I crawl to my knees and eventually my feet.  I can feel the welts rising on my knee and a little blood dripping down my palm.  Great, all I can hope is that none got on the floor because I sure can’t see well enough to clean it up. 

                Finally, I manage to make it to the kitchen without further damaging myself or my surroundings, but I just stand there like an idiot because I can’t remember the layout of the kitchen sense they re-modeled it last week.  Could this task get any more difficult?  I feel like freaking Harry with the horcruxes!  Alright this isn’t going to be difficult, just find a wall.  My hand connects with something hard, but its’ weird.  Do they make heated walls?  Well, this is the twenty-first century after all.  I run my hand up a little so that my hand is at a level where a light switch would normally be, but on the way up, the surface isn’t smooth; it has deep crevices.  What the heck?  It’s moving under my hand!  I jump back, and by doing so, I land straight on my rump.

                Light fills my vision, momentarily blinding me.  Now my eyes and my butt hurt.  This is the worst trip to get water ever.  I think it’s one for the history books.  Just as I thought it couldn’t get any worse, Cameron slowly fades into my vision as the momentary blindness subsides.  Please tell me he just got here.  He must have because if he didn’t that means that I was rubbing his chest and no one has a chest that defined.  Only models have chests that defined and half of them are air brushed.

                The look on his face tells me that I did just rub my hand over his impossibly perfect chest.  That’s it I can’t control my embarrassment any more as the blush lights up my face like a red light which only gets brighter when he loses control himself and his smirk turns into full blown laughter.  At least his volume is able to shake me out of my daze, as I jump up and cover his mouth with my hand until he finally calms down enough for me to remove it.

                Only now that it is completely silent, I feel the awkwardness of the situation slip in.  I mean I just groped Cameron, my best friend’s brother, in his kitchen.  I can feel the blush sinking in as I scooch away from him and slide onto the nearest bar stool.  Still neither of us says anything; we are just looking at each other.  God, he is good looking.  I mean it makes sense does make sense; Maria, my best friend, is drop dead gorgeous.  Of course, anyone related to her has to be good looking, but he goes beyond good looking, he is a hot sexy ball of yumminess with his black hair that falls into his bright arctic blue eyes that are accentuated by a strong jaw line and a crooked nose that looks like it might have once been straight if it weren’t for it being broken once or twice.  Somehow that crooked nose only adds to his sexiness; probably because it shows that he doesn’t really care enough to get it straightened like so many guys at our school.  He’s comfortable with who he is because he knows he is sexy as hell.

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