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Prompt: Person A is oversleeping, so Person B is jumping on them, stealing their blanket and it leads into a hunt with yelling and cursing (Person A) and a lot of laughing (Person B). It ends with both of them on the floor, making out and being even more late
Desc: Idk what the hunt part is but this is gonna be a bit late sorry

Maggie awoke with a start and immediately pried her eyelids open, taking in the normal view of her and Glenn's master bedroom. She looked to her left at Glenn sleeping soundly. He had a throw blanket covering him and Maggie was under the comforter. She had a habit of stealing the covers.

Maggie let out a simple smile before reaching over the sleeping Glenn and picking up his watch off of the bedside table. Seeing the time and realizing they were late for their run, Maggie immediately sprang out of bed and rushed over to the dresser to pull out some clothes for them.

"Glenn! Glenn, get up!" She yelled, glancing back at the unmoving Glenn. "Glenn, honey, wake up! We're late for the run!" Maggie finished pulling out clothes as Glenn still lay unconscious. Maggie looked back at him and decided that desperate times called for desperate manners. She jumped on him.

Maggie got on top of Glenn and started shaking him around chanting "Wake up Glenn" over and over. Glenn woke up, moaned, and pulled his blanket over his head.

"Glenn, please come on, we're gonna be so late." Maggie said but couldn't help stifling a chuckle. She looked at Glenn for a moment and sighed. "Fine. I guess I'll just have to..." Maggie creeped her fingers up the blanket before ripping it off and putting it behind her back as Glenn laughed and sprang up, reaching for the blanket. They were both laughing as Glenn wrapped Maggie in his arms, trying to contain her and gain repossession of his blanket unsuccessfully. Maggie tried to wriggle out of Glenn's arms only to knock them both on the floor. Glenn then resorted to tickling Maggie until she finally gave in and gave him his blanket. Both still laughing, Glenn laid on the floor, Maggie laying next to him as he covered them up with the blanket. They were both panting and still laughing but Glenn reached over and kissed Maggie anyways, her continuing.

"Maggie, we actually are going to be super late." Glenn said between kisses.

"Who cares." Maggie said, pulling away for a slight moment and then embracing Glenn again.

12 Days of GlaggieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon