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*Kayla in the picture*

I and Kayla went to each of our classes talking so much that we almost got kicked out of class every period .We also met a girl named Juniper who was super cool and also had the same classes as us but came to school late.Kayla, Juniper and I have a lot of things in common and we all just instantly clicked like we had been best friends our entire lives and in no time we were laughing at nothing and walking it to the lunch room "where do you wanna sit " Kay asked as we scanned the room for an empty table until I spotted my brother's table and saw three open seats"I know where we're going sit" I Said as I grabbed their wrist and pulled them to the table and me and Kay sat down in the chairs while Juni flopped down on my lap "Juni get you fat as off me" i complained like she was actually heavy "Jinx why are you here, what do you want" Chris said turning from the other people at the table to look at us "Cant I, your adorable little sister, come spend time with my big brother"I said batting my eyelashes at him "No, you can't.Now leave me alone" he said doing a shooing motion.Needless to say, I didn't move and Chris ignored us most of the lunch."so if you had to choose would you rather fuck Jose C.C or your brother" Kayla asked as we played would you rather, I just started dying Laughing while my brother was choking behind.Kay's question had grabbed the attention of everyone at the table as the all looked at me waiting for an answer "Well...Hmm.... JOSE C.C., of course, did you think I was gonna say my brother, He not even hot enough, he would have to be model hot for me to even consider it" I said in a duh tone "But in all honesty...I'd rather be with Juni" I said jokingly as I stroked Juni's face, and Juni caught on to what I was doing quickly and pretended to faint and fall back into Kayla's arms "Goals"Kayla said jokingly."Wait you're into...Girls"so blonde girl with WAY TOO MUCH makeup on said with disgust in her voice, just to put this in the air I hate Homophobic people I don't care if you're the nicest person in the world if you hate the LGBT community we are not cool,"Yeah I do I'm Bisexual" I said smiling at her sweetly "But don't worry I only like hot girls and you don't fit into that category I hate cake faces, huge turn off"I said and every one at the table started laughing except for the girl and her 'friends'.Just then the bell rang telling us that lunch was over."see you at home,Don't get in trouble"Chris said as we walked away from the table and into the hallway.

I, Kay and Juni went to all the rest of our classes and the day ended with us walking out to the parking lot, saying our goodbyes ,exchanging numbers and hoping in our own cars and leaving.I pulled up in front of the house seeing a car I'd never seen before, but Kim and my dad's car weren't here.I walked into the house to be greeted by the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my entire life "You are so lucky I'm not Dad or Kim" I said closing the door loudly causing them tho jump five feet in the air Chris and the girl scrambling to cover themselves,Note to self buy new couch pillows and burn the old ones, "Hey sis what's up"Chris said laughing nervously "Do your not remember the guest house rule" I said hanging my keys or their hook next to the door.The guest house rule was a rule made by Dad and Kim after having one too many walk-ins like the one I'm having right now with Chris,Our parents never were like"don't have sex cause its bad" they are totally pro safe sex ,our parents are like freaking sex addicts, so the rule was if you wanna 'do it' do it in the guest house.We live on an estate so we have a guest house behind our house it a 3 bedroom house with a kitchen, a huge living room / game room, and indoor sauna,but it doesn't even come close to comparing with the regular house."I do and we were on our way out there but we didn't make it all the way there" he said laughing as my phone dinged signaling me that I had a text "Kim just texted me she's right around the corner you might wanna go before she gets here" and before I could look back up from my phone to look at them they were out the back door.I ran upstairs to my room changing out of my school clothes and slipping on some PJ shorts and a crop top.I went back downstairs to the living room and turned the tv on and watched high School of the dead (I love that anime so much) until I heard a car pull up and hopped up off the couch and ran outside knowing it was Kim to go help her."Babies" i screamed as I flung the back door of her truck open and our two huge dogs ,a girl Blue Pitbull Nala and a Boy Brindle Bullmastiff Prince, hopped out and attacked me with slobbery kisses "Hey Jinx who's car is that" Kim said as she slid out of her car and walked towards the front door "oh Chris has company" i said winking at her laughing "oh,that kind of company they out back" "yup"."so did you see her" Kim said going into the fridge looking for ice cream "Yeah" I said flopping back down on the couch "What she look like"Kim said sitting down on the couch next to me and handing me a bowl of ice cream "total whore" I said Kim almost spit out her ice cream and started laughing "I swear your brothers type is whore"Kim said still laughing which only made us laugh harder.We stopped laughing when we heard the Backdoor slide open "Yeah...Sure... see you later Heather" Chis said walking Heather to the front door "ok,"Heather said walking out the door Chris shutting the door behind her and walking back to the stairs "Hey Kim, call me when dinner's ready"Chris said walking upstairs to his room.As soon as we heard his room door close we looked at each other and started laughing "you were so right...total whore"Kim said laughing even harder.

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