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~Kayla's P.O.V~

Everything has been fine for the past couple days Juni got over what happened in the kitchen after she saw what happened to Jinx realising that they put themselves in danger to protect everyone.We went to school ,even though Jinx begged us not to go without her because she didn't want to be a new kid by herself. The week went by and We we're excited for the big news at dinner tonight.Lorenzo told us earlier that he had some big news to tell us at dinner.I was excited to know, I always loved surprises.

I sat up in bed and stretched for a minute of so before dragging myself out of bed and to my bathroom.I turned on the shower that headed to my closet to pick out an outfit for the day I settled on a pair of black leggings, a hot pink crop top, and pink Nike airs.I set my clothes on the counter and slipped into the shower, good thing it was the perfect temperature or else I would either melted my skin off or freeze to death lol,.I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs.I sat down on the couch with a bowl of lucky charms,Jinx was already on the couch watching cartoon with Hayden. She had to start school next week with the rest of us so she was trying to live it up till she had to start going to hell like the rest of us Lorenzo and Kim had taken temporary guardian ship over all of us so things wouldn't seem to out of place to the school officials. But it was basically like that I hadn't been home to my parents in the past almost two months and wasn't looking forward to going back I ran away often they were used to it.Here it was awesome Kim got me a Range Rover , I had a massive room with my own bathroom and a debit card that no matter how much I spent it never got declined. I was living an amazing life currently so why would I wanna go back to living a normal life it was exciting here Lorenzo had taught me how to shoot, I had my own gun that I always carried with me for protection, and we (Juni and me) had been going through training these past week every day after school . And they said I could get a dog if I wanted so I was probably gonna go pick one out soon. There weren't many rules and all the rules were super easy to follow
Go to school
Try to avoid getting in fights
Look out for each other
Tell people the bare minimum
Clean up after your self

All this I could do easily. And I had Enzo he was amazing he cared about me as far as I knew. He gave no girl besides me the time of day it was like I was the only girl he saw. And that was all I really wanted.

At dinner all of us talked about random things until Lorenzo called every ones attention to him " in about a week all us boys with have to travel to Spain to check on things over there so until we get back Kim,of course, is in charge but in a state of emergency that power shifts to Jinx" "how long you guys gonna be gone"Juni said wiping Hayden's face of spaghetti sauce " about 10-ish days "Chris said picking up Hayden "8 o'clock time for bed bud" he said pinching his nose lightly making Hayden groan. It seemed like over night they had gone from irresponsible teenagers to a married couple in their thirties regretting not cherishing their twenties.The three of them said good night and disappeared up stairs probably to give Hayden a bath and put him to bed. The energy in the room Shifted drastically after they left .The entire dinner Jinx had been talking to Hayden ,it seemed like him and Kim were the only people in the house she could stand at the moment. But she ,me, Juni ,Chris ,Enzo and Lorenzo hadn't talked in a while we weren't mad at her and she wasn't mad at us as far as we knew (Ryan ,River and Lila went back to London)but Easton was another story she full blow hated him and made it very clear at least once a day Easton would try to talk to her and it would normally spiral out of control and end in a physical altercation between them. And you can't really pin all the blame on Easton for all these fight cause some time Jinx would see him in a room and purposely throw something at him. The table just silent "so Jinx-" Easton started but was cut of by her getting up ,grabbing her plate and leaving "really" Easton growled after her only to cause her to walk away throwing her middle finger up in the air he got up grabbing his stuff from the table following her into the kitchen

Jinx's P.O.V
There are many things in this world I hate ungrateful people were in the top ten.Easton's ungrateful ass had the nerve to say what I did was all in the name of pride and I was being SELFISH. Like are you being serious I took a bullet for you and you go and act like I did it to seem cool. Before this I had never in my life took a bullet for someone, not for my brother not for my father not for my mother (Kim) but I did for him ,basically a stranger, and he had the nerve to yell at me for it . I could have let him die but no I decided to do something thing nice and this was the thanks I get. I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of the plate I was scrubbing crack in half due to how hard I was scrubbing.'Great' I thought and I picked up the broken plate and put it in the garbage I pulled out the garage bag because it was full now. Despite popular belief most people in the industry we are in don't have maids or butlers to many untrusted ears around. I carried it out to the trash can. I walk more towards the front of the property and sat down in front of the gate watching the sun start to go down. I pulled out a joint and lit it taking a long drag of it filling the warm smoke fill my lungs "that's bad for your health you know?" a voice said sitting down next to me "fuck off Easton" I said not even bothering to look at him " so this is how it's gonna be between up" he grimaced "yup" I said popping the p " so it all over just cause of one stupid thing" he growled his voice getting louder "i mean if you think you life continuing is stupid then yes" I said relighting my joint and taking 3 pulls then pushing it out my nose feeling it burn " I said I was sorry Jinx" he said suddenly getting quite " you sorry is worthless to me" I growled " fine shoot me-" before he could finish I grabbed my gun next to me and shot for the head but he leaned back quickly enough so the bullet only grazed the bridge of his nose " are you fucking insane" he yelled touching his nose his fingers coated with blood now " yeah I am, i have a doctors note to prove it " I laughed and got up walking a way "you could have killed me" he yelled after me " yeah I know I was trying to" I laughed.

When we walked back into the house everyone one was running around frantically and Kim was screaming at my dad to get her to Viviannes' house

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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