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(Ryan and Lila in the pic)

~Jinx's P.O.V~

Me and Easton had been In Essex for a week and done almost everything I wanted to do we went to an amusement park rid all the rides ,even paid extra for the skip line passes, we went to Nando's and ate a shit load of food,and went to my favorite arcade and played Guitar hero.We had a blast and I was almost ready to go home, almost.

"you sure about this"Easton asked as we walked into the tattoo and piercing shop "Of course I am"I said walking up to the front counter seeing My all time best best friend River ,sorry Juni and Kay but River takes the cake when it come to my closest friend, "Jinx" He squealed running from be hind the counter and pulling me into a bone crushing hug "Riv" I screamed back hugging him tightly."so who's the Babe with you"River said winking at Easton "my future husband" I said Laughing "Damn why are all the hot guy either taken or straight " River sulked "That hurts my feelings Babe" Ryan , Rivers fiance, said walking from the back up front and wrapping his arms around River "Hello Jinxie,You look hot as ever"Ryan said blowing me a kiss ,jokingly, " that's real low Ry hitting on my best Friend right in front of me"River said rolling his eyes making me laugh."So what can we do for you to day"Ryan said walking back behind the counter with River "I want my tongue and my navel done"I said bouncing a little with excitement "Okay follow me"River said walking us back to his room.It went pretty quickly two quick stabs and we were all done" it looks amazing Riv"I said admiring the jewlery in my navel "I know"Riv said cockily "What do you think" I said turning around to look at Easton "It suits you"He said smiling "oh the one down side of the tongue is that no oral for at least to week so hold off for a little while"Riv said winking at us "well that blows"Easton said flopping down in a chair making us all laugh.After I paid we talked for a while I could tell some thing was making Riv anxious "what's up Riv you pretty much bouncing in your seat " I said looking at him "we have a surprise for you" Ry said grabbing Riv's hand.We walked to the back of the store and what I say made a smile instantly " this is our daughter Lila (said like lie la)" River said smiling and picking up the baby girl " oh my god she so... Beautiful" I said walking towards them with my arms out asking to hold her.River handed her over to me I'm gonna steal your baby said smile " oh hell no give me back my baby" River said stepping towards me " Never" I said as I speed walked away.We all sat down in the lobby "you guys have to come back to the states with us Kims gonna be mad if she doesn't get to see this little cutie" I said smiling at Lila and bouncing her on my knee making her giggle "I don't know if we can I mean we have the shop" Ryan said sadly" you can leave Sammy in charge she can take Care of the shop while your gone" I said starring at Sam " yeah I could totally take care of the shop I've done it before "Sam smiling 《l<3 l》.

The next morning all five of us were on a flight back to Portland.

"Ugh" I groaned as we stepped out of the plane after 11 hours, 11 long hours of having to deal with Easton asking random question after he got drunk with the help of Ryan and them laughing obnoxiously about how big the young flight attendants boobs were."OK well River and Ryan we will see you at the house Easton your with me" I said grabbing the still drunk Easton's wrist and pulled him in the direction of the car garage. I put our bags in the truck and hopped in the driver seat then backed out of the parking stop.It was an hours drive to the house from the airport "you know what Jinx" Easton slurred looking at me smiling "what Easton" I laughed at his silly smile "I really really really really like you" he sang in a high pitched tone " no but for real I really like you" he said entwining our fingers " you're smart, you're pretty, you're hot, and your funny, I'd totally smash if your brother would let me" he dawned a huge smirk on his face.By the end of his sentence I was blushing extremely hard " you know what fuck your brother, I'm gonna Smash anyway.Oooooh girl the things I'd do to you his voice suddenly turning seductive. Let's just say the rest of the car ride was him saying very 'interesting' things about what he'd do to me, some things were so 'interesting' they almost made me crash my car.

I pulled in the driveway of the house and grabbed our bags pulling them through the doorway Easton following quickly behind me.I dropped our bags on the floor 'ugh I'm so tired' I thought to myself.

I now lay on the floor crushed under Juni and Kay's weight " how could you just abandon us like that never the less to invite Easton with you instead of us" they fake sobbed "oh what ever like you care not a single call from either of you bitches" I retorted back pushing them off me "hey little sis how was your vacation" Chris said pulling me up from the ground then Juni while Enzo pulled up Kay . Every one sat in the liking room talking waiting for our guest to arrive, and that's go when Easton decided to make an announcement " I have decided that I shall Fuck Jinx even if Chris says no" he said proudly, I instantly buried my face in my hands " don't listen to him he's drunk " I screamed " how did he get drunk don't they check IDs on planes" Kim said laughing " oh they do they just flirted with the flight attendant" River said walking through the front door gesturing towards Easton and Ryan "Riv is that you my god you god old when was the lats time I saw you were like 18 now your what... 29 you look old" Kim said jokingly getting up to hug him " I'm only 23 you old bitch what are you pushing now like...50" River said having her laughing" how dare you say I look 50 I'm only 36" Kim hissed playfully slapping his arm."my god you blew up like a balloon"River said sitting down next to Kim rubbing"yeah that's kinda what twins do to your figure"Kim giggled.We all talked catching up on what we missed while we were apart.

"come on Easton you are too heavy for me to carry all your weight"I said as I pulled a sleepy drunk Easton down the hallway to my room,his room was waaaay down the hall and I could not carry him that far so I choose my room cause it was closer to the stair.I pushed my door open with my foot,we stumbled in my room I dropped him on my bed .I was about to leave to go back downstairs when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled onto the bed.I glanced over my shoulder and looked at Easton "Night Night Jinx"He said and with that he was out like a light.I gave into his cuddle and relaxed after like 5 minutes of struggling,I played games on my phone for 15 minutes before getting bored.Prince and Nala came and laid down o the bet with me and snuggling into me some what saying they missed me while I was gone.I soon feel into a deep sleep.

I woke up to some one shacking me lightly "Jinx wake up" a voice said" what" I said groggily as I opened my eyes seeing Easton hovering over me "you wanna go out to get some fresh air with me"Easton said to me .That instantly woke me up "Yeah let's take the dogs" I said getting up.I'll let you in on a little, we aren't your typical family we were a different type of family the Mafia kind and when Easton said lets go get some fresh air was code for I think there is an intruder we should g do a perimeter check,I was bringing Prince and Nala because they have a very keen sense of smell and could smell an intruder from 2 miles away they were already on edge when I looked at the both lowly growling.I grabbed my Glock from under my bed tossing it to Easton ,who caught it with ease, I grabbed my Beretta from the bottom drawer of my nightstand and slide it into the back of my jean.We walked downstairs to the back door and attaching Prince and Nala to their leashes handing Nala's Leash to Easton.

I and Easton walked all around the house and we knew were all the intruders were 'hiding' all thanks to Nala and Prince's noses.We walked back in the house with a plan.We knew how to deal with this situation and how to make it out with everyone.

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