80% Broken

34 2 0

Dans P.O.V


I was awoken by the annoying sound of my alarm clock for the first time after two and a half months of waking up at 12 in the afternoon being lazy all day, not leaving my bedroom and constantly recharging my laptop. But now for the next three months I'm getting up at 6:30 just to look presentable or whatever for people I don't even like, or people that don't even like me.

I lazily rolled out of bed and rubbed my eyes, wiggled my toes on the soft, fluffy black carpet next to my bed and yawned. 

I sighed staring at my feet, "Here we go again." I whispered as I stood up, walked over to the curtain and pulled it open, 

"ARRHHH." The light of early morning London blinded me as the room was pretty dark before I did so. 

I walked over to my dark brown dresser pulled open a drawer, grabbed a back shirt that was a little more dressed up then what I normally would wear along with black underwear, random socks and a pair of black skinny jeans. I carried them to the bathroom and hopped in the shower.

When I get out of the shower I dried off and put on my clothes, soon enough I had a song my mom secretly snuck on my iPod playing through the speaker in my bathroom, I giggled and left on because, why not.

I guess it was a good idea because before long I was dancing around my bathroom singing 'Somebody to you' from The Vamps, I haven't had that much fun in so long. When the song ended I plugged in my straighter and began doing my hair.

 Still humming and swaying in front of my bathroom mirror.

 I checked the time and seen it was 7:30, I had two hours to get to school so I decided to leave now to go into town and get Starbucks before I go to UNI. I slipped on my oddly white sneakers, put in my oddly white earbuds and locked the door.

Walking down the street in London can be pretty overwhelming at times, with all the people, all the eyes, the stares, transit and really just all the judgement strangers give based on my appearance while walking down the street. 

Once I reached Starbucks I ordered my usual coffee and before I could get to my seat I instantly felt a pair of eyes on me, not very unusual so I brushed it off as nothing, and after sitting in my usual seat with my coffee I turned around and seen a pair of unusually blue eyes looking my way when I looked up from my phone.

I sat in my usual spot by the window and looked at the clock, I still had an hour.  I looked back up to see pretty boy still looking at me,  quickly looked away as I felt a strange feeling at the pit of my stomach, I haven't felt that in a while and that scared me. He was beautiful, jet black hair that fringed right above his orange auburn eyebrow and down his pale ghost like face, a blue button up and black skinny jeans along with earbuds and eyes you could get lost in, like the ocean, or the sky. He was simply perfection, and i'm just, well.. me.

I smiled and looked in his direction to see him only giggle and shake his head slightly, it made me feel glad to be alive, finally, in so long I haven't had any reason to, my friends left and hated me because I liked boys and not girls, I wasn't normal to them and now I have only one friend, my very own mother who lives hours away and my music. Life has been rough and now I had to deal with school, grades and everyone in that stupid  building, painfully sleepless nights and my rude teachers. But this boy made me get butterflies in my stomach and that has never happened.


Soon enough I had to leave, I guess exchanging glances really couldn't stop time. My face dropped as I realized I would probably never see him again and that really, really sucked. I grabbed my phone, turned on my music, picked up my coffee and decided to draw a little picture on the slightly steamed window, I drew a sad face and stood up to leave when I seen pretty boy's smile disappear when he seen my picture, I guess this is good-bye.

I left the store and walked to the school, which was only a few blocks away. 

I arrived at the school with a crowd of people hugging parents and promising to behave themselves outside and quickly heard some giggles as I passed people, of course my friends told everyone I was gay, which in London still isn't 100% okay. I guess this was my price for trusting people, i'll never make that mistake again. 

I got to the door when I was stooped by a hand being placed on my shoulder,

"Hi, Dan." That voice.. I knew it and I wish I didn't, it was one of my so called friends who ruined my life a little while back, leaving me to skip almost a full month of school and crushing the slightest bit of self confidence I had. 

"What do you want now, you want to ruin my life a second time?  Wanna threaten to kill me again?"  I turned around and David looked me right in the eyes, leaned in close to my face and said,

"Gaylord is gonna try and stop me is he? You're worthless here, you got it? Worth - Less." stretching out the last word.

"I'm aware David, why do you think I haven't left my house all Summer? Haven't smiled since you walked into my life. Why am I still alive anyway? It's not like anyone actually cares about me because of you, 

it's not like everyone here thinks I'm DISGUSTING! IT'S NOT LIKE IM HAPPY ANYMORE ANYWAY, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT AND I HATE YOU!" I stopped before I did something I would regret, which I seemed to already have done. Everyone was looking at me and suddenly I remembered why I didn't like walking the streets of London, I turned around to go in the building, when I seen the same blue button up and black skinny jeans I seen a little less then half an hour ago standing at the top of the stairs with a confused, scared look on his face, oh his beautiful face. He probably thought I was a freak anyway.

I ran up the stairs, grabbed the door handle,and walked inside.

 Only there months until semester break.

This was going to be by far the worst three months I've ever had.

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