3% Healed

9 0 0

Dans P.O.V

Phil and I have been talking and seeing each other daily, he was a good friend even though I know his friends don't like me. Phil promised me that when he came back from his friends house in the next town over we would spend the entire weekend at his house watching Buffy and eating pizza until our brains melted into the cheese that covered the pizza.

Sounded good to me.

Phil was coming back today and had texted me earlier that day wondering when to expect me at his flat,

To Dan : Hey Danny boy, I'm on my way home, shouldn't take forever if traffic is kind to me today, when you gonna be over, I have surprise ;]

To Phil: Danny boy? Thats new, I don't know when i'll be over, how about when you're actually home? Also, what surprise..

To Dan: You'll love it after a little peer pressure I promise hehe ;] XX

To Phil: Peer pressure?? Nice, as long as I won't die and you don't want to kill me, I'm down I guess.

To Dan: GREAT!! I'll see you at 3 Mr. Howell ttyl :p

It was 1 pm which left me a little time to chill out and clean myself up while I stress about his surprise a little bit, I wondered what that boy could possibly do to me and why I so easily gave in with out knowing what I just got myself into. 

When I was ready I left the house with a call from Phil, 

" Dan where are you I'm home and itsssss, 3:45 come onnnnn!" Phils voice alone even gave my stomach butterflies, he seriously messed me up. 

"Yes hello to you too Phil, it might be hard to believe but I don't always want to smell like mouldy cheese and old man." I had no idea why I'm so sarcastic, it just happens.

"Well hurry up old man, get over here or i'll watch Buffy all by myself, and

you won't get your surprise."

I smirked a little when he said that, I could hear the mystery in his voice, pictured the way his eyes would glisten with evil and twinkle until you start to sweat. 

I started to pick up my pace.

I reached Phils flat at 4:18 and he looked pleased to see me, he hugged me as soon as he opened the door, and for some reason it made me think, 

he's never actually hugged me. Not like this anyway.

We watched Buffy and ate pizza and crumpets for hours until he picked up the controller and paused the show, 

"Are you ready for your surprise Daniel?" He was smiling at me like he just found a dirty secret about me. Which I wouldn't really find all that surprising.

"Yeah, um what is it though?" I watched him walk over to his coat and pull something out of his pocket he stared at it for a second as if he needed reassurance about something, then he turned around, looked at me with two perfectly rolled joints in between his long pale fingers,

"Ever smoke Weed before Dan?" He looked directly in my eyes when he asked me as if to tell me its okay if I haven't or if I don't want to, which comforted me to be honest.

I stood up, walked directly in front of Phil, looked him in the eyes and said calmly, 

"Nope, but if you're willing to share?" Our faces were maybe a foot away from each other and I wanted the space between us to be smaller, just not yet.

We walked to his kitchen and sat on the floor with his back door wide open, he told me he had to open the door because of the smell and how it would make everything smell off, and his mom would be able to tell when she came home so I went along.

He placed the joint between his lips and lit the end with a bright red lighter, closed his eyes and breathed in, I could tell this wasn't his first time doing this and I got a little bit nervous but phil promised me he was there to make sure nothing happened to me. 

He turned the joint around to my mouth and to me to try, I inhaled but breathed out to quick, it hurt my throat a little bit, it felt like tiny claws slowly scratching at my throat. 

"You're doing great Dan, just try and get it all the way down and hold it there for a second, if you cough don't worry, thats better for the high, trust me." He looked at me and smiled, letting me know that I would be fine, so I tried again, this time breathing all the way down, feeling it tickle the bottom my lungs, breathing out while letting my head fall back against the wall and closed my eyes. Phil took another puff and stared at me, I could feel his gaze on me the whole time I was exhaling.

"You're so hot you know that?"  He flicked the ash into the yard and flicked the end of the joint into the grass and pulled out the second one,

"Not as hot as you I can promise you that?" I said that, then like a brick it hit me, it felt like I knew what was real for a split second and then everything felt like a dream, and everything was funny and slow, but I kept going until Phil told me to stop because it was only my first time. He took good care of me. 

"You don't wanna push yourself babe, trust me you don't wanna barf." He giggled and finished the joint while I sat here looking at him and cocking my head in different directions because I was convinced he was the best looking piece of art I've ever seen. He looked at me and stood up, walking over to me as I started laughing, nothing was funny to normal sober me but everything seemed like it should be on AFV. He helped me up and grabbed my shoulders, I'm still against the wall, he looked at me and I told him,

"You're really cute, like all the time you know? I can't get over it you're perfect." Toward the end of my sentence I opened my eyes as much as I could exposing the bright pink surrounding my eyes, Phil was still looking at me, moving his hands down my arms to my hands,

"The only reason I'm getting you high is so I could do this." 

He leaned in and my dream came true, the space between our faces closed and he kissed me, I stood up straight, slightly swaying because of my high, I kissed him back and brought my hands to his face, what am I doing? Setting myself up with the guy i've been dreaming of for weeks.

When Phil pulled away he looked at me and stared laughing, then he walked over to his speaker and turned on some music, he turned on Sniffing Vicodin in Paris by Blackbear and walked into the middle of the floor and started swaying, I just laid down and stared at my hands that I ended up raising above my head,they looked so normal, yet so foreign, everything felt dizzy, like it was a dream, yet reality intertwined itself into my dream.

"Why'd you kiss me?" I just wanted to know if he actually liked me or if it was just the weed taking control. 

"I like you Dan", he slowly walked over and sat down on the floor next to me and crossed his legs,facing me. I sat up and extended my legs and turned my head so I was facing him, "Do you really?" I really liked him and I was so glad he kissed me but I'm just scared he's lying. 

"of course." He looked at me and leaned in again, he put his hand to my face and pulled my face closer to his, so close I could feel his breath hit my face, this time I made the move and kissed him. We sat on the floor and we kissed for what felt like hours,

it was only a few minutes.

He pulled me closer to him so my neck wouldn't be in so much pain, and we sat on the cold tiled kitchen floor while Blackbear played in the background and kissed for as long as my memory go the night goes, we didn't go farther, 

but we did smoke some more.


I dont know if you read these but i wanted to let ya know this chapter was just an idea my friend came up with in class one day and I thought it was cool so here it is :] 

for the people who might tell me that they would never do anything like this, its a story, get some tissues and wipe your tears ;p 

ttyl, the next chapter will be sometime soon lol

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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