Chapter 2

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Riding in the carriage was uncomfortable. Ciel felt like he couldn't trust me even though I've done nothing but what he asked for years now. I could tell Ciel and Sebastian hated me though. Right now we were going to some shop called "the Undertaker" (yeah yeah I know his shop has his name in it well it really does) I didn't think much about it not even after we got there. When we arrived there I thought it was just some dusty old funeral palor until I heard that laugh that same laugh from a hundred years ago.


It was very easy to make Undertaker laugh really anything could make him laugh "he he he what are you thinking about ______? "

End of FlashBack ~

"he he he" Is the only sound going through the funeral palor and it made me jump and Ciel to to look bored and Sebastian to have that same stupid smirk or would you say smile? I didn't care. I knew Undertaker was around and I couldn't look for him when I heard a coffin open i jumped behind Sebastian as to not be seen. I could see Undertaker getting out of the coffin in the middle of the room (strange? I know) from my hiding spot behind the tall raven haired demon Sebastian. (oh and he is also a crow demon so yeah he can take the shape of a crow) 

I knew I had to get out of here before Undertaker knew I was here. Before that... thing knew I was here. I had to leave but how? I saw some of Undertaker's bone shaped biscuits close by which could make a good  distraction but if I went for them I would be seen. "Well he he he who's that behind you Sebastian?" Undertake laughed or...... giggled? eh you can never tell which with him and I doesn't matter when you frozen in shock from being noticed by the person you had to hide from so they can live happily and you in hell (p.s. I mean the real hell)

Edited: 7/2/17

Undertaker x Shinigami Reader/Reader~Chan (In Editing) Where stories live. Discover now