It All Started With Youtube Part 1

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This is dedicated to TheOutSpokenPoet , One of my favorite writers! If yall haven't read Classroom Moments yet, you should start! Yes, its a Royce. And its funny as hell!!! It just got nominated as one of the top 7 best books for Royce Awards! Congradulations!!!!
Now lets get on with this story, Shall we? ^_^

Chresanto- 15

"One! Two! Three! Go!!!!"

My classmates shouted as I ran down the halls, crashing every window in sight. They all were running beside me with cameras in their hands. I made sure I crashed every window. I mean..EVERY FUCKING WINDOW!

Today was the last day before Christmas break, and the millions of youtube fans I have dared me do the craziest thing on school grounds. This is what I decided to do.

Oh Shit! My bad. Didn't even introduce myself.

Im Chresanto August.  Im The most sexiest boy in HISTORY! YES!!! Nobody is sexier than me, i mean NOBODY!!! Im Roc Mothafucking ROYAL!!! And im the most Famous nigga on YOUTUBE!! NOBODY can beat the videos I have! Ever!!

Okay, yall can say im pretty conceited about myself. I gotta be. I'd rather love and adore myself, than hate and show no respect for myself. Im cool once you get to know me.

Anyways, as soon as me and my best friend Rayan broke all of the windows, the teachers ran after us.

"Not so fast!" One of the cute interns yelled.

"Ha! Thats not what you were saying last night!" Ray coughed as we ran towards the main entrance.

Some of the security guards blocked the entrance doors  so we couldn't get out.

"If you want to leave, you have to deal with me."

Me and Ray glanced at eachother with the biggest smirks on our faces. We knew exactly what to do.

"Ohh, well I was gonna hold it..."

Me and Ray looked around and put our hands in our pants.

"Guess yall gotta be our new  toilets." Ray said innocently.

We was 99% close to having our dicks completely pulled out when the officers covered their eyes and ran out the way.

Me and Ray gave eachother five.

"Works every time." I sighed.

When we all got outside, our classmates stopped recording us and we all dapped up.

"Nice job yall
When should this be uploaded?"

"In about an hour from the time I get home man." My boy jimmy said.

"Aite, cool."

We all split different directions. I knew damn well I was gonna be expelled.


Whatsup, This is yo boy Jacob Perez, A.K.A Princeton in the house!!!

As you may know, Im the best AROUND!! Im nice as hell, but don't get things twisted. If anyone thinks their videos are better than mine, they gotta be FUCKING CRAZY!!

I don't have to do nothing stupid or immature to be noticed on Youtube. Im a ladies man. All I gotta do is talk and look sexy. Thats the 2 things I do best.
I'm already known as the most famous youtuber out here. Well, thats what the billions of my fans say.

School was out, so I took the time to watch other people's videos. They were all boring and shit. Nothing but twerking, fighting and teen pregnancy. All the normal. I knew for a fact they wasn't in my league. As I watched some of Marlon Webb's vines, My biggest youtube fan Breaunna sent me a message.

"Yo, Prince! You have GOT to see this video some kid just uploaded! That shit was THE BOMB!"

Oh, what video could possibly be better than mines?

"Girl, i don't got time to see no fighting shit. Thats so fucking 2010." I flipped my fro while typing.

"Awl, just open up. Watching one video wouldn't kill you
It doesn't bite."

I shook my head.

"Hell no! That shit may not bite, but it sho will blind the shit outta me!"

"Lol, just watch it boo. Please? For me?"

I could already tell she was making a puppy dog face behind her keyboard.

"No, Brea! I don't want to watch this whack ass video you speak of. Unless it consists of Marlon or Darius Benson's vines, I will NOT be watching ANYTHING!!!"

After about 5 minutes, Breaunna texted me back.

"He's has the same amount of subscribers as you. And the same number of videos."

I almost threw my laptop.

"What?? REALLY???? You SERIOUS???"

"Ya damn skippy I am!" She typed back immediately.

I couldn't believe this chick. And I don't.

"Okay then whats his youtube name?"


"Aite. I'll check it out."

I really wasn't about to go on his channel, but something told me to. I searched his name and the channel appeared in front of me.

The icon was a picture of a lightskinned boy with smooth brown eyes and black hair. I couldn't lie. He sexy as fuck!

I had to know what he was about. I went to his info and like myself, he had 96 billion subscribers. That caused my skin to crawl. I went to his videos and it showed alot of weird shit he was doing at his school with a group of friends. I scrolled up to his most recent video that Breaunna told me about.

As soon as I played it, I saw the boy running down the hallway with an asian looking black boy with long braids. They were throwing rocks out the school windows while teachers were chasing them. Then some security guards blocked them from leaving the building. I almost laughed when they tried to pee on them.

When the video was over, I looked at the views. He had twice more views than I had on my newest video. And that shit was put out about a week ago.

"Yo that is NOT FAIR!!!!" I screamed. I picked up my laptop and threw it across the room. Yes I just threw a tantrum, and yes I just broke my laptop. Now I have to buy a new one. Thank god im not broke.

See what losers like him do to me? How does he get more views than me and he does nothing but Stupid shit????

This boy...his little sexy ass...

He fucking DISGUSTS ME!!!!!!!!!


I could actually make a story off this, but Its better in the one shot category. I'll just make more one shots and I will update part 2 to this. Hope you liked. And my other readers too! I appreciate yall!!! Message me for your ideas.

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