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Hope y'all Christmas was good. All I did was eat the whole time.

My greedy ass....

Most of my presents get to me this Sunday.



I sat on the kitchen counter with my huge plate of food as I watched my best friend Chresanto open his presents and scream from mostly every present he opened. His family members were all around him talking and laughing. I was invited over to his house for Christmas.

I know y'all probably wondering "Why the fuck you ain't at home with your family??" Well, truth is my family hates me. They swear I'm gay and I think I'm better than them just because I got the best hair. Especially my mom. Like Dafuq? I couldn't help it. I got these genes from YOU!!

They didn't give me nothing for Christmas. They didn't even pay me any attention! That's why I'm here.

When he was all finished opening his presents, he got into this deep conversation with his family. I ate everything on my plate and threw it in the garbage. 

I didn't believe it was my time to be there. Chresanto barely spoke to me. I was beginning to tear up. I hate feeling lonely.

 I was about ready to go, so I walked into the living room towards the stairs. Chresanto tuned out of his convo when he saw me.

"Where are you going, Jakey?"

"I think I'm just gonna go back home, Chres. I'll just see you tomorrow."

"But its dark out. At least let me drive you."

" I'm good." I said as I was about halfway up his steps. 

I went into his room and grabbed my jacket from his closet. After I was finished, I was just about to go downstairs and get my boots, but my best friend was coming upstairs. 

We were only 2 steps apart. We stared at eachother for a good moment. I usually get paralyzed when we're more than 6 inches closer than we should be. This was one of those cases. 

He wiped a tear that was falling down my cheek with his thumb. We didn't break the stare.

"Why are you crying?" He asked in the softest voice I ever heard from him.

I hate when people ask me those type of questions. That caused more tears to fall.

He grabbed my hand and took me back upstairs to his room. He sat me on his bed and closed his door.

"I didn't give you much attention as I should have, huh?"

"What do you think??" I yelled, crossing my arms.

Chresanto sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry Baby. I'm really sorry. I don't want you to leave "

He pulled some Kleenex from his dresser and wiped my tears away.

"Well, I want you to be with your family. I don't want to interfere with your time. Your day shouldn't be ruined because I'm not happy."

"My day isn't ruined. I know how you are. Trust me, if I thought you were going to ruin my day, you wouldn't be here. That's never the case anyways."

I remained silent as he locked his room door. He kneeled on his knees and held my hands in his.

"My day has been great, ever since I got what I wanted for Christmas. Its the best thing I ever had."

I Shook my head.

"And what might that be?"

Chresanto placed his hands on both sides of my face.

"My best friend.." He whispered softly. 

I was about to say something, by his lips cut me off. He pressed them against mines, causing a shiver to run down my spine. 

I fell into a trance as he laid me down, placing kisses all over my face.

"I Like You......" He said with a dark red color appearing on his face.

"I feel the same about you." I smiled.

I pulled him down and gave him the longest kiss I could give. I parted my lips and he used it as an entrance, moving his tongue against mine. I guess that's what they call French kissing?"

"Shouldn't you be downstairs?" I asked as soon as we parted again.

"That's not, mandatory is it? Cuz that would be sad."

I raised my eyebrow.

"But I thought you would want to be with your fam?"

He ran his hands up the back of my shirt.

"No. I want you.." 

"But Chres, I thought you were straight?"

He laughed with his lips against my neck.

"You know good well what you do to me. I am straight but you're changing me. Your appearance, your attitude, your smile...."

He kissed my neck a few times.

"I'm gay for you, Jacob! And just you!!" 

I stared at him in awe.

"My mom always said to give away your first kiss to someone you treasure. I gave that away today without a regret."

"Me too..." I blushed. "I'm glad it was you."

We exchanged a few more kisses, before the lights suddenly cut off. I stopped, but he held me close 

"They just blew out, baby. Don't be scared. I don't want to leave this room tonight. Do you want to sleep with me?"

I blushed and held him closer.

"Why not?"

We cuddled up underneath the covers. Occasionally. His family members would call him. He was too busy all over me to respond. I no longer felt lonely for the rest of the night. He held me close and never let me go.

I guess that means we're together now....


I noticed it takes HOURS to get done with one update for me. Still making more.

You guys, I need messages of your ideas. I'm not getting much. I'm about to update Close To You soon.

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