It All Started With Youtube (Part 2)

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I woke up to the beautiful feeling of No School this morning. Something was missing out of that..

Why didn't i feel excited like i was supposed to? I thought of the possible reasons

No...It wasn't because I got my ass whooped last night.

And it wasn't because I missed anyone. Like i would miss anyone.

I honestly had no idea why i was feeling the way I did.

I logged onto my Youtube account and scanned through my videos. Everything was normal. The new video even had the amount of views i normally get.

The weird feeling got worse as I kept scanning my page.



My backround colors were blue and red instead of blue and white.

I made quick adjustments to that.
As I laid back in my chair, my brother Ej sent me a message.

"Yo, whatsup wit ya bro?"

I smacked my lips. Did this nigga really just send me a message? We live in the same house, like damn! Just knock.

I sent him back a message.

"Nun. Just woke up. Too lazy to come in here?"

"Yep. -_-"

I sighed loudly.

"What do you want???"

"For my brother to get a life!!"

I shook my head. I really didn't have the energy to beat his ass this morning.

"Nigga, I have a life!! Youtube is my life!! Im the most famous youtuber ALIVE!!Everyone fucking loves me!!!"

"Are you really???" Ej yelled from his room.

"Hell fucking Yeah!!!"

Ej laughed. "Not anymore! I just watched someone's video and looked on their youtube page. They have the same amount of subscribers as you."

I almost fell out my chair, dashing from my room to Ej's in a heartbeat.

"WHY THE FUCK YOU LYING????" I leaned in his doorway, breathing heavily.

"Do i gotta lie?" Ej slid his chair from his laptop.

"Check for yourself."

I grabbed a chair from the side of his room and sat in front of his laptop.

I checked the profile he was talking about.

Ej actually wasn't lying for once!

I saw pictures of a boy with a gigantic afro and pretty brown eyes.

Iew, did i really just say that?

I clicked on his videos. I swear for 10 minutes straight, all this nigga did was TALK!!!!!!! No action, no fighting, no pranking, no NOTHING!!!!

I raced back in my room just to message him.

He seriously has the same amount of fame as me for TALKING??? I'll show him who really runs youtube!!

"Whatsup, Airhead?"

The boy texted me back about a few minutes later.

"Hi, Copy Cat? Stay tryna be famous like me, huh?'

I swore under my breath
I know this nigga just didn't...

"I was famous way before you! Im just now hearing about you bruh!"

"Facetime me, Heffa!"

We exchanged accounts and logged on.

When his face popped up on the screen, I almost died.

"You okay?" The boy asked with a calm smile on his face.

"Yeah." I held on to my chest.

"I almost passed out! You ain't supposed to be that cute!!!" I covered my mouth as the words slipped.

"My bad, forget I said that."

"Heh! Too late!" The boy giggled.

"Its not funny!!" I yelled. I knew I was blushing at this point.

"You're cute too." He pointed out. His smile disappeared right when he said that.

"But I still dont like you!"

I stuck my tongue out like a kid.

"I dont like you either. I don't like that you gotta be as popular as me! Both of us can't be #1!! One of us has to back down while the other one wins!"

"And you're gonna be the one to back out!" He cut me off.

"No, You are!" I snapped.

The boy grabbed a scrunchie and put his hair up in a ponytail.

"I'm Jacob." He smiled.

"Im Chresanto!" I smirked. "Don't try to change the subject! Just know im the best and you can't beat me!"

Jacob whipped his hair all over the place.

"Thats what you think. Oh, and I checked your profile yesterday. We live in the same state and county!"

"For real??? Well, we need to do a battle!! Whoever wins will be the #1 most famous youtuber!"

"Yeah!" Jacob rolled on his bed.
"And the loser" Clears throat. "YOU!! Will have to back down and erase their account. We have to meet up tomorrow at the ice rink in San Diego by 5PM! If you're so famous, you have to get someone to drive you there. Deal??"

That idea sounded great! I already knew I was ready! Im prepared for anything!

"Deal!" I yelled

Me and Jacob were about to dap, but we forgot we were face timing.

"Oh, My bad!" I laughed. " We can always do a handshake when we meet up."

"Or you can kiss me on the cam?" Jacob suggested.

"You gay as fuck!"

"And you're straight??" Jacob asked.

We both laughed it off and got offline.

Well, I guess next its time for our dat-- Oh uh i mean Battle

Yeah, a battle...


Part 3 ( The last part) will be written when I get off work tomorrow. Tell me what you think.

More updates on this book and Close To You coming up tomorrow! Goodnight everyone!!!

Vote, Comment, Leave me a message.

~Yasmine. ★

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