Chapter 6: What are you?

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Coco looked at you darkly. "Oh. Hey (Y/n)...!" She stepped closer to you. You stepped back. "(Y/n)?" Yuki and Coco said at the same time. (B/f/n) giggles. "Hey, (Y/n)! This could just be a stupid act. Hey, Yuki! Coco! What kind a paint is this?! This could be really cool for a scary horror movie!!!!" You sigh and shake your head at (B/f/n)'s reaction.

A: Stare at Coco and Yuki

B: Smile and start to agree with (B/f/n)

C: Glare at everything and disagree with (B/f/n)
     You examine Coco and Yuki. "Uh...(B/f/n)? This isn't an act. While talking, you didn't notice as Coco's fox ears turned a light blue and her eyes gray. "..." The room went silent. Coco glared at Yuki and walked over to you.   "What are you doing Coco?." You said. "Do you ever think of sharks? Or a knife piercing your flesh? I love red water." You stare at her. "RED. WATER." Coco said in a demonic voice. (B/f/n) grabs your arm and runs.

B: "Yup!" You agree with (B/f/n). Coco looked at you both and giggled. "You  BAKAS." She said at started laughing insanely. You noticed Yuki just sat there like an idiot. Like Coco was just a puppet in a play. "C-coco! Snap out of it..." Coco blinked. "This isn't an act, child." She said. You got scared as soon as she said: "Do you like red water? I can make you some. Just come here while I have this just for you and (B/f/n)!!" She had a sledge hammer. (B/f/n) grabs your arm and runs.

C: Everywhere you looked you glared. This was madness. "(B/F/N) THIS IS REAL LIFE..." You look at Coco. You want to punch her but you don't. You might get hurt or she's your friend. "OMG (Y/N) LOOK!!" (B/f/n) looked at Coco in horror. Coco had a sledge hammer. OK. You just didn't want to punch her because you'll get hurt. (B/f/n) grabs your arm and runs.
Coco was teleporting wherever you went. "Hey (Y/n) look at this!" Coco was holding Amy's dead body. "Let's play dolls!" 

(B/f/n) POV
(She's the first to have a P.O.V...yay!)
(Y/n) was just watching Coco. But (Y/n) didn't know Coco was possessed. Not really she just had an evil side. Derp :P
  Just then (Y/n) said something I never thought she would say.

            "Who are you ? "
      "What have you done?" "Where did you come from? "

"What are you?"

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