Chapter 7: Little Game..

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Coco's eyes turned normal for a small second which made you think. 'Does she have an evil side...?'. She giggled, which made you turn your attention to her. You noticed she's closer. " (Y/n)! Let's play a game." Everyrtime you blinked, she was closer than before. Finally, you spoke. "What...kind of game?"

"Hide and seek! I know it seems very childish, but don't worry!"
"I'm not gonna hurt you..."


"I'm gonna kill you!"

"I'll be nice and count to 10." This made you run. You ran for a little until you kid in the classroom. You then notice...(B/f/n) was gone.

A- Go out and look for her.


You go to find (B/f/n). You see ran until you saw her. "(B/F/N) I'M SO SORRY!!"
"..." No response.
Wait... "Hold're NOT (B/f/n)!" The figure shape-shifted into what every it was at first. Coco. "Her eyes went from red to her normal silver/gray. "(B/f/n) is room 128! Hurry! Before Loco comes back!" You ran until you reached (B/f/n). She saw you and hugged you. The door creaked slightly. No one was there. (This just happened to me...;-; halp.) But then the door opened quickly. You now thought everything and everyone was against you and (B/f/n).

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Reader-Chan,
The ONLY 2 reasons I updated it because I'm bored. And I know I'm gonna lose the spelling bee. ;-; Bye. (I know this chapter sucks and makes no sense)
Coco: Goodbye, (Y/n)! See you later.

Me: you're evil.

Reader-Chan ((Y/n)): [says whatever they wanted to say.]

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