1) It Was Just How I Was

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My name Aoife, pronounced "ee-fa". I'm 19 years old...and my parents were just killed in a freak car accident.

As I, my aunt, my nan from my mum's side, my grandma and granddad from my dad's side, and our friends stood around the two coffins, no tears fell from my eyes. Everyone says it's because I'm just shocked. I don't know what's wrong with me. I hate myself for not crying over my parents death. But they'd probably want me to move on...but always remember them, of course. I will. I'm moving to Seoul to live with my Aunt Hyemi. I'll be attending a college there, where I'll carry on studying Mythology. I'm hoping to go to university, where I want to get a degree. Of course...everyone knows I really want to become a writer. I've been writing books since I was five. They've gotten more...deep...more interesting...as I've gotten older, but hey, what's the point in everything being easy? Everyone says I'm a hard girl to read. They said I used to optimistic. I don't know why they think that. I used to be such a happy kid. Then my granddad died from my mum's side died. I was 12. I loved him so much. He was everything to me. My granddad taught me how to fight, how to stick up for myself. I lost all of that when he died. And now my parents are dead too. Screw the future, what's the point when it's going to hurt me like this?

"Aunt Hyemi, I'm really grateful you're letting me stay here but...can I please just be left alone for the rest of today? I have school tomorrow and..." I broke off as Aunt Hyemi cut across me, smiling.
"Of course, sweetie, I totally understand. You need time to adjust. Your new uniform and books on your bed. I know this is hard for you, Aoife, but don't worry, everything is going to be just fine."
I looked at her. What an odd woman she was. I nodded, and quickly hurried away. I locked my door and looked around my bedroom.
"What even..." I frowned. The bedroom was bright pink, with sky blue curtains, white drawers and wardrobe, a black desk, and a turquoise fluffy carpet.
I rolled my eyes and flopped down onto my purple bed. The only colour I liked in this whole room was black. I hated bright colours. I bit my lip and looked up at my ceiling.
I'll never survive here in Korea...I'm so useless around new people, they'll slaughter me.

The next day, I made my through the halls, clutching my books to my chest. My eyes looked around lazily at the other students. I took in the different groups. The nerds, the popular kids, the emos, and so on. Some met my eyes, some ignored me. As I stepped into my new form classroom, everyone looked up.
"Who are you?"
I rolled my eyes.
"The kid you ignore."
"Excuse me? Would you mind explaining to me who the hell you are?" The same girl snarled.
I turned to her, and slammed my books down onto the desk.
"I'm the girl you never want to mess with."
The girl's lips curled and everyone watched with their mouths open.
"Jinhwan oppa, please tell her who I am."
I raised one eyebrow as the boy jerked up.
"What? Oh...err..."
"Wait, you've got to get your boyfriend to talk for you? Wow, you're really pathetic." I smirked.
The girl stamped her foot.
"I'm the head girl here, bitch. Don't ever talk to me like that again, or I'll snap that head off of those shoulders."
I stepped forward and folded my arms.
"Just watch me."
The girl stepped forward and glared at me. We were inches away from each other. I could beat her up without blinking, and I was about to when the teacher suddenly walked in.
"Oh, you must be the new girl! How do you pronounce it again, dear? A-oi-fe?" The teacher glared at the girl as a sign for her to sit down, and smiled at me.
I blinked.
"Err...no. It's ee-fa. It's pronounced ee-fa."
"Oh! Well dear, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself? All of you lot, sit down, now! My name is Mrs Lang, by the way, dear." The teacher seemed really nice, but I don't trust anybody. Especially not now.
"I'd rather not, Mrs Lang. I'm not very good at speaking in public." I bowed politely.
"Oh! Of course. I'll introduce you to everyone. I see you've already met Sora?" Mrs Lang said softly.
I nodded and turned to everyone. Mrs Lang begun to speak and I looked around, meeting everyone's eyes, to let them know I wasn't scared.
"This is Aoife Kim, born and raised in Ireland. She's moved here to start a new life, and so, is now attending our college! As you can see, our form has seven very special young men in it. Do you recognise them?" Mrs Lang pointed at Sora's boyfriend and his friend.
I shook my head.
"Don't you watch TV?" Sora smirked.
Everyone giggled and I stared at her.
"I do. But not mindless survival shows. Okay, I do recognise them. My Aunt loves you. You're...Team B, right? The team that lost on Win: Who's Next. Am I right?" I must of come of a little harsh, because everyone gasped and the boys faces fell.
"We're called iKON." One of them snarled.
I folded my arms.
"I'll go sit down now."
I sat down at my desk while the all of Team B glared at me, except one. He wasn't even looked at me, and his lips were curved into a slight smile.
"What are you laughing at?" I hissed while Mrs Lang sorted out work for us to do.
The boy met my eyes, smirking.
"You think you're so superior, don't you?"
I blinked.
"I'm better than you. At least I don't change my appearance to look like a girl just to become some mainstream K-pop idol."
"While you're here, you'll need to work on that bad attitude. Learn some manners. Otherwise I assure you, you won't last a day here. Here, I'll give you some advice, work hard, keep your head down, and don't make trouble." The boy said calmly, but I could see the anger in his eyes. I'd obviously struck home when I'd spoken about his loss.
"Who are you to tell me what to do?" I snapped. "You can't even win in a competition that you're supposed to be good at."
"I'm Hanbin. You can call me B.I or Hanbin. Your choice. I don't care. Just stay away from me, and we'll be okay." The boy said coldly.
"Oh just leave it, Hanbin, she's not worth it. She obviously thinks she's better than us. The stuck-up cow..." Sora's boyfriend whispered.
He thought I couldn't hear. But my granddad trained my hearing. I could hear the slightest noise. I didn't bother me they thought that. I was used to it.
It was just how I was.

I sat on my own, on the grass, outside, slowly eating my lunch. As I ate, I read my favourite book, C.S Lewis' "The Magicians Nephew". I put on my glasses so I could read properly, and all of a sudden I heard my name being shouted across the field. I looked up curiously. When I saw who it was, I rolled my eyes and continued reading and reading.
"Oi! Aoife! Don't ignore me, you stupid nerd!" Sora screamed, stamping her foot. She suddenly ran up to me, and angrily went to kick me with her heel. I grabbed her foot, sharply, and twisted it, causing herself to twist and fall onto her face on the ground. Hard. It was reflex. I didn't regret it. Even when iKON ran up to us, and shot me angry glares as they helped Sora up. I sighed and got up.
"I told you to leave me alone."
Sora hissed at me like a cat.
"You have no respect, you little bitch."
"Call me that again, sweetheart, and I'll punch you in that pretty little face of yours." I snarled, stepping towards Sora.
Sora smirked.
"You little bi--"
I suddenly cracked. I was usually such a calm person...but not any more. I'd been pushed past my limits. I leapt at Sora, and we fell onto the ground. I went to punch her, but suddenly someone had grabbed my wrist. I looked up. Hanbin stared coldly into my eyes.
"Stop. Sora, leave her alone, Aoife, control yourself. Both of you, get a grip."
I pulled away from him sharply, grabbed my bag, my book and my lunch, turned to iKON, Sora and her friends, and met Hanbin's eyes.
"I'll give you some advice. If you want to live your life to the best...stay away from the things that are evil. If there's one thing I've learn in life...it's that nobody is ever pure. So don't get involved with things you can't handle. Leave it to the people that can."

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