2) Don't Touch Me!

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"So...Aoife...how was your first day at school?" Aunt Hyemi asked, smiling nervously, looking at me curiously as we ate.
I shrugged.
"It was fine."
"Just fine?! Aoife, sweetie, you know, you can tell me anything. You don't need to keep---" Aunt Hyemi began, before I shot her a sharp glare.
"I said it was fine. Drop it, okay? I can't wait to go back tomorrow."
"Aoife!" Aunt Hyemi snapped. "Mind your attitude! You're lucky you're here. Be more polite, would you?"
I glared at her.
"Oh yeah, I'm really lucky my parents were killed in a car crash."
I got up, bowed, and stormed off, slamming my door shut. I collapsed down onto my bed, staring up at my ceiling unemotionally.
"Fine day at school? More like the worst day of my life..."

I sat at my desk, my legs crossed, my headphones on, flicking my pencil, and chewing bubble gum. I heard a sharp cough and my eyes snapped open. I looked up at the man, curiously.
He was one of the guys part of iKON. Another, a friend, hurried over, looking miserable.
"I'm Donghyuk, this is Junhoe. We're going to be showing you around school today so...we'll sit here...just for today, okay? If you're quiet, just tag along, and we'll be fine, okay?"
I frowned as they sat down next to me.
"No. That's not okay. I'm not tagging along..."
"Tough, we'll show you around school, properly. We were supposed to do it yesterday...but Mrs Lang wanted us to do it today instead." Donghyuk shrugged.
I looked at Junhoe.
"What's wrong with you, misery-guts?" I teased.
He met my eyes and I frowned. Junhoe was glaring at me with what seemed complete hatred. I laughed softly.
"What's with him?"
"Well...I'd guess that he doesn't like you. " Donghyuk muttered. Suddenly the rest of iKON were surrounding our desks. I sighed and pulled my headphones back on. I closed my eyes and turned my music up. Someone sharply slammed their palms down onto my desk and my eyes snapped back open, and I glared at him.
"What is it now?"
Hanbin tilted his head.
"Junhoe and Donghyuk are being really nice to show you around, after the way you've been acting. I suggest you just go with it and keep your mouth shut. Or do I have to make you? If you mess with my friends...you mess with me."
I raised one eyebrow, smirking.
I gently trailed my finger up his chest, surprising him.
"Well, I'd love to get into a fight with you, Hanbin, dear, but I'm afraid that I just don't have the time nor the energy. So, show me around school, and maybe we just leave each other alone?"
Hanbin stared into my eyes and nodded.
"You're smart."
"Sweetie, you've got no idea." I sighed, leaning back in my seat as Mrs Lang skipped in excitedly.
"Everyone! Sit down! I've got some amazing news! Everybody...our school is going to be hosting a musical and modern version of Romeo and Juliet! And I get to choose the singers! Well, I was thinking...how about our very own Jinhwan be the handsome Romeo? And...why doesn't our new girl, Aoife, be the beautiful Juliet?" She cried happily.
We all stared at her, shocked.
"W-What?" I whispered.
I couldn't dance. I couldn't sing. Well, I'd never tried. My parents weren't one for girly things like that. I just wasn't brought up to like anything like singing or dancing.
"I-I can't sing...or dance."
"Well, then this is your chance to learn how to! I'm sure you'll do fine. Now, no buts, you're not getting out of it, neither are you, Jinhwan. You'll both work well together, got it?" Mrs Lang said calmly. I could tell she was serious. She wasn't playing around. I had no choice. I had to do it. I met Jinhwan's eyes across the room. He's lips curled into a sneer and I swallowed, looking at his livid girlfriend. Sora suddenly slapped Jinhwan sharply. Jinhwan gasped and held his hand to his cheek, shocked.
"Do something!" Sora screamed.
"What do you expect me to do Sora?" Jinhwan cried.
"Sora! How dare you physically assault a student? I want you to move, right now, away from Jinhwan. Move on your own to the desk at the back. Right now! " Mrs Lang shouted sharply.
I smirked smugly.
"Ooh, bad girl, shouldn't hit people."
"Shut up, bitch." Sora snarled, glaring at me.
"You want a go?" I snapped.
"Sora! Aoife! Stop it right now!" Mrs Lang hissed.
I blinked.
"Sorry." I muttered.
"Did you just say sorry?" Junhoe jeered.
"Oh, I'm sorry, does it surprise you that I have more respect than you?" I whispered to him.
Junhoe rolled his eyes.
"You don't have respect."
I glared at him.
"I beg to differ. You don't know me. Don't make such quick judgements. You've only known me a day."
"Yeah, and it didn't go that well." Donghyuk said hastily. "Let's stop fighting, yeah?"

I trailed along after Donghyuk and Junhoe, as they lazily showed me around school. I sighed.
"Look, you two---"
Donghyuk shook his head and put a finger to my lips.
"Shush. We're nearly done."
I pushed him away.
"Don't touch me!" I screamed
Donghyuk and Junhoe stared at me in surprise. I realised I'd acted oddly, and bit my lip.
"I-I have to go."
I ran off, and I knew they were watching me go. What had I done? Why did I do that? I'd acted rationally. I'd freaked out.

I lay on the grass, staring up at the sky. I did this a lot. Just stare at things.
"I should have just ran away...like they told me to do. I shouldn't have come to Seoul with Aunt Hyemi..." I whispered.
"If you hadn't have come to Seoul...you wouldn't have made Sora this angry."
I sat up sharply to look at the person better.
"J-Junhoe...listen, just leave me alone, okay?"
Junhoe smiled for the first time. He shoved his hands in his pockets and kicked the ground.
"Don't worry, iKON like that you challenge Sora. I don't know what Jinhwan sees in her. I think he's just scared to dump her. She's such a cow."
I blinked, curious why he was suddenly being nice to me.
"Why are you...being nice to me?"
"I'm not. I just want to know why you screamed at my friend." Junhoe shrugged, his eyes cold again.
"I...I don't know." I muttered.
I did know. Of course I did. But I couldn't tell Junhoe why. Junhoe raised his eyebrow.
"I know you know, Aoife. Don't lie to me."
I got up and stepped close to him.
"I can lie to you, if I want to. I'm not someone you can control. I'm not one of your god damn fan girls."
Then I pushed him out of my way, grabbed my bag, and marched off, leaving Junhoe alone in the field.

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