4) From Too Harsh to So Sweet

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I stood outside the practice room and took a deep breath. How would I ask the men who hated me for help? Jinhwan certainly didn't seem to hate me...but the others obviously did. I bit my lip and peeked through the door. I heard someone speaking harshly to the others and I frowned.
"Be honest now, you three don't really want this, do you? You're like, it is works out, then that's fine."
I recognised the voice. It was Hanbin. I hadn't heard anything before it, but from the looks on everyone's faces, this wasn't just a little comment Hanbin had made. What was going on? Why was he angry with them? I looked at the three new guys' faces. I slipped inside, and I saw Jinhwan look up. He met my eyes and they grew wide.
"What are you doing here?" He mouthed.
I rolled my eyes and folded my eyes, glaring at the back of Hanbin. Everyone went silent, staring at me and Hanbin spun around. He was sitting on the floor, and I looked down at him.
"What do you want?"
"Why are you speaking to them like that?" I asked calmly.
"Aoife..." Jinhwan began.
"Shut up!" I snapped. "You can't go around speaking to people like that! Is that how you get people to respect you? Treat them like crap? I don't know what you think, but where we come from, you don't talk to people like. If you want them to work hard, sweetie, you make them want to. I wouldn't want to work hard for some who treats me like that. Shh! Don't say a word! Listen to me! I get it, you're the leader, but grow up, stop thinking you're the only person in the world who has problems. You're acting like a spoilt brat. Not everything is perfect."
That left them in silence. I'd screwed up. I knew I had. I'd never get their help now. I sighed.
"See you."
But a suddenly I was pulled back. Hanbin was holding onto my wrist tightly. He glared into my eyes.
"You think you're so amazing. You think you're so smart, but you don't know anything. Do you know the work we've had to put in to get this far? Do you know the hardships we've been through? You should think before you speak. I've had so much crap to do lately, and you're yelling at me? You should be grateful I haven't snapped already. I work hard to get my group to become really, really good but---"
I cut across him.
"But you don't see their already good! Okay, the three new guys can improve, but pushing them that hard...it won't make you enthusiastic...I should know...then again...it depends on who it is. When it's your father forcing you to do things you'd never dream of doing...forcing you to hurt people...forcing you to hurt your friends...pushing you to train harder so you can become the best of the best it...hurts. But then again, you don't know anything about me so yeah...let's just stick to me not knowing anything about how hard it is to deal with that many things."
"I never said---" Hanbin began.
"Oh shut it. I don't want to hear it. I'm the new girl...so I'm in the wrong, okay? I'm not at all the girl who's parents just died...the girl everyone hates because she's not afraid to tell people what she thinks...I'm not at all the girl who put her life on the line...just so her fake boyfriend would be happy with another girl. So, hey, let's all forget about it, and you can carry on thinking I'm a bitch, and I can carry on thinking your a jerk." I pulled away sharply, turned on my heel, and stormed out, leaving iKON with their mouths dropped open.

I sat on the bench, my face in my hands. Why did I say those things? Now they're sure to tell everybody about how messed up I am. I'm such an idiot.
"I'll ask Aunt Hyemi if I can move schools. They'll probably find me here anyway. I'll have to move at some point. They won't give up looking for me." I muttered out loud.
I looked up sharply as I heard someone cough. Hanbin stood in front of me looking embarrassed. He rubbed his hands together.
"It's...cold out here...do you want...to come inside?"
I looked away from me.
"Go away." I muttered.
Hanbin took a deep breath.
"Look, just come inside, Aoife."
"Why?" I snapped, glaring at him.
Hanbin grabbed my hand.
"Don't make me make you..."
I pulled away, sighing.
"What do you want? Look, fine, I'll leave school, just leave me alone, okay? I'm done with everything..."
"I don't want you to leave school. I want you to stay, if you're happy here." Hanbin said softly, sitting down next to me.
I watched him wearily.
"You'll tell everyone what I just told you..."
"No! No, I promise I won't." Hanbin smiled.
It was the first time I'd seen him smile properly. It made his eyes light up, and it made his features stand out. I loved his smile. It was beautiful. I shook my head.
"I have to leave anyway." I murmured, shivering.
Hanbin frowned.
"Why? Look, you're cold! I told you to come inside!"
He sighed and took of his jacket. To my surprise, he gently draped it around my shoulders and pulled it tight around me, to keep me warm. I looked at him, blinking rapidly.
"You look shocked." Hanbin grinned.
"I...I'm sorry." I muttered.
"Wait, did you just say I'm sorry? Are you actually shy for once? What, am I making you uncomfortable? I just came out to say sorry...I didn't know...I still don't know but...I want to. I want to know what you meant. Who's coming after you? You're parents are dead? You're father...forced you to do things? Why? If...you don't mind answering." Hanbin added.
"I'm going to die anyway..." I sighed. "Well, it started when my father decided I was old enough to learn what he did for a living...I was 13...
...I stood in my parents bedroom excitedly. It was my birthday. I'd finished opening all my presents, and now dad had said he'd got something special to show me. I waited impatiently as my dad handed me a box. He smiled at mum and she nodded at me.
"Go on then, Aoife. Open it, dear."
I took a deep breath, flicked open the small golden latch, and gently opened the beautifully engraved wooden box. I stared at what was inside.
"You'll love it, Aoife. I'll teach you how to use it and then you can come and help I and your mother work! We'd love to have you help us, Aoife. You've already got the talent." Dad grinned.
I blinked.
"I don't understand."
"Aoife...we've got a secret that we're going to tell you. Now, you can't tell anybody else about this, okay?" Mum said firmly.
I nodded, unsure. What were they on about?
"I promise."
"Aoife, honey, we kill people." Mum said softly.
My eyes grew wide.
"We kill people for a living. I and your mother are some of the best. We started when we were your age. So...we've decided it's time for you to start your training." Dad said calmly, looking me straight in the eye.
I shifted uncomfortably.
"I'm...not sure when I want this."
"You don't have a choice, Aoife." Dad said coldly.
"Jaewook! Of course she has a choice! Aoife, decide, sweetie, become one of us, live a life full of danger and excitement, or live a normal life, away from us, with Aunt Hyemi." Mum smiled at me.
I chose the latter. I trained hard for two years. Then, when I was fifteen, I finally became a fully-fledged assassin, with a licence to kill. I had to admit, it was fun, and it got my adrenaline pumping, but keeping my secret life and my normal life apart was hard. My friends were getting suspicious, and my boyfriend...was cheating on me. He was sick of me keeping myself from him. He wanted more than just a hand to hold when he was sad. I grew to stop feeling. I didn't feel love, or happiness, I grew cold, and my parents praised me for it. They knew something would happen to them. They needed someone like me to carry on the family business. I thought they'd stay alive until they retired. I wasn't aware of the danger we were all in all the time. I didn't realise what would happen if we let are guard down...
...which was exactly what we did." I explained.
Hanbin stared at me, looking shocked.
"Your parents..."
"Died a few weeks ago. In a car crash." I whispered.
"They didn't die in a car accident, did they?" Hanbin said softly, moving closer to me.
I shook my head and I surprised myself by letting him put his arm around my shoulders.
"They died in a car crash. But it wasn't an accident."
Hanbin bit his lip.
"Do you...know what happened?"
I met his eyes.
"We were on our way to my cousin's birthday. They tipped the car over by running straight into it. My parents threw themselves on top of me, protecting me, but putting themselves in serious danger. We pushed ourselves through the car window, and as soon as our feet touched the ground, my mother was shot. Straight in her heart. I screamed, and my dad pushed me away. And then...he got shot too. They both would have died anyway, due to then serious injuries they had from the crash."
Hanbin swallowed.
"Oh Aoife..."
He pulled closer, squeezing my shoulder tightly. I Bowden head, avoiding his eyes. Why was I letting him so close? His breath tickled my ear and my heart fluttered.
"I've...never had a girlfriend...so I'm not exactly sure whether I'm doing this right but..."
Hanbin suddenly turned my head towards me and planted a kiss on my lips. I gasped and pushed him away.
"What are doing?"
Hanbin blushed, but grinned.
"Kissing you..."
I blinked, confused, shocked, angry.
"Because you looked so pretty...and I felt bad for being so mean to you...I should really be thankful. Sora hasn't talked to us in ages." Hanbin grinned.
I hit him on his arm and he laughed.
"Why is everyone saying that?" I frowned.
"We don't like her." Hanbin shrugged.
"I can see why." I muttered."So why does everybody hate me?"
"You're...very...rude. Sorry, but you are. I have to admit, that does make you more attractive. And you're very mysterious. People don't like how you keep yourself to yourself. They don't like how you seem to hate them all." Hanbin explained.
"You mean like Junhoe?" I muttered.
Hanbin laughed.
"No. Junhoe just doesn't know how to act around you."
"Oh." I said.
"You know...we're all here for you. iKON I mean. Just try to be nicer to us. Oh...and don't tell anybody about that kiss..." Hanbin added, rubbing his neck and looking embarrassed.
I couldn't hide my smile. I looked around, and quickly pecked him on the cheek, before getting up and swinging my bag around my shoulder.
"See you, Hanbin."
He was staring at me, looking at me in a daze. I giggled.
"Oh...and thank you. You helped. You really did."

Give Me Everything Tonight (Jinhwan, BI, Junhoe Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن