Chapter 2: The House

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I was dazed as i tried to figure out who's voice it was. It took me awhile to realize that i had teleported to the old burnt down house of mine on the hill that used to be Green Street. Then my mind had grasped that who was talking to me could have only been Mike. "Mike!" i shouted in excitement. "i knew he would eventually be a target!" I went into the house,or...what was left of it at least. I looked around. "this place needs abit of remodeling..."

A few days went by where i did nothing but fix the house. And eventually, the house was back to its former glory. I nodded as i looked at the rebuilt house. "Looks good" i smiled then walked out to my car.

Hey! Sorry for the shorter that usual chapter. I hope to get another chapter out soon! c:

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