Where it Began

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I arrived at the school. It was a weekend, so nobody was there. I went into the detention room and instantly remembered the beginning of our friendship.
It was a Friday afternoon. Roy had been in detention for god knows why. He was sitting alone when she walked in. She was wearing black pants and a yellow shirt. "Hey" I said with a sigh, we had a full hour left. She smiled and we talked for about 30 minutes. Then the others came in. Sam, Marcus, and Andrew. We all talked and became good friends. 25 minutes later, she pointed out the time like I could never without looking at a clock. "One more minute" she said.
--flashback end--
I went over to the desk I sat in and carved the words 'trust them' into it with an arrow pointing to the same desk she sat in. Then I walked out and went to the pizzeria, where I went and remembered something.

I ran in and went to the back room. There was a small door in the corner. I opened it and shouted "Geno! I need your help!"

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