5 Days Later

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Five day later after my meeting with Dawn, I went to my apartment to do some upgrading on my equipment. I grabbed my jacket and linked my pistols to the white stripes on my right arm and my sword to the white mark on my left shoulder. So, now my combat will mainly be linked to my hand guns.

My phone rang while i was testing my links. i looked at the caller ID. My Boss. I muted my phone and continued with testing my links. I lifted my arms and the two white stripes lit up and two pistols, one with a back color and the other a grey color. I aimed them and they disappeared back into the stripes. i held out my left shoulder and a black sword appeared in my hand. i swung it around and then it too dissipated.

   I then walked outside and went to the pizzeria, Where I had hung out after I had been murdered.

"Whet the hell is going of here?!" I shouted. Marcus walked forward and stood by the bunny with his 'stress knife'. Jane walked forward and tried pulling Roy back "Roy, Lets just go......AHH!!"
--Flashback end--
I quickly shook the image out of his head. Even after all the death he has seen, he couldn't bring himself to believe hers.

The day she died was exactly 4 years ago today. I stood up and went to the last place I remember being with her other than the pizzeria, the school detention room.

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