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Guys! Bit of a trigger warning here! Don't read if you don't feel comfortable reading about self-harm or depression (also the whole story isn't based around this it's not one of them stories)

We had gotten into the car, Jet-Star curly hair eye patch guy was driving, Party Poison was sitting next to him in the middle in the front. On the other side of Party was Kobra Kid. In the middle/back of the car was Grace, Fun Ghoul and Bandit, then, Michael and I were in the very back.

We have been driving for 2 minutes and we had gotten out of the forest, we were going up a sort of back trail. Grace and Bandit were talking about puppies, of course Ghoul joined the conversation, apparently he loves dogs.

I got to know Michael a bit better by sitting next to him in the back of this car.
He told me all about his parents, he didn't have the best relationship with them, he also told me how it was him that told Ashton to join the band. He told me about his love of Pokémon and his love of My Chemical Romance (same BOI). He told me of the demons he had fought with since he was 17, he told me of what they had told him to do. He told me of his life. He told me about his love for the guys and the fans. I told him that I got what he was saying. He said he didn't know how I could. But I did.

"Why does this happen to us?" I asked.
"To me. People always ask me why I'm depressed, I have everything, I'm in a band, have awesome fans. I don't choose to be like this." He replied.
"Whoa, ok, wait, what do you mean 'to me'. I've gone through that as well. I've gone through a phase where I hear voices telling me to do stuff. It's not just you, you're not alone." I said, patting his arm. Like a puppy. TEHEHEHE.jkjkjk.
He looked at me, first confused then he seen my hand was resting on my other arm.
He lifted my hand up, then reached for my sleeve, he looked at me, as if asking for permission to roll up my sleeve, I nodded. He pulled up my sleeve to see marks. Some white, some a pinkish red. His mouth opened a bit. He looked me in the eye, I seen some tears forming in his great green ones. I felt tears forming in my eyes, but I didn't cry. He brought my arm up to his face and started to kiss every scar. Little light kisses.
He rolled down my sleeve, once again looking me in the eyes.
"No one deserves this, especially not you." He said, eyeing my lips suspiciously.
"Why not me?" I asked.
"Just..." He trailed off by connecting his lips to mine, he put his hand on my cheek, caressing the skin just under my eye with his thumb.
"Ay, lovebirds, stop that, there's kids in the car!" Party said looking back at us.
Fun Ghoul started to laugh. When does he ever not laugh?
We kept on driving, Michael slipped his hand into mine, I looked at him, he smirked back. We kept on driving.

HI GUYS! Hope y'all like Michael Clifford cause ya kissed him! BAI
Manic Massacre, signing off.

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