Not Fuckin' Ready

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Blue's POV
"You are going to the school and that's final," my mom shouted back at me. You see we've been having a screaming competition for the last 30 minutes. Why? You may ask. Well my mother and father have decided that I have to go to a boarding school in some place called Brighton.

We have recently just moved to England from America where I spent the last 16 years of my life being homeschooled. Thinking that moving to the other side of the world wasn't enough of a change in my life, they've decided to send to to a boarding school. Now I may seem like a very tough and emotionally dead person but I really am not. In fact I'm shitting my pants thinking about going to school for the first time in my life. I have heard many wild stories about high school. Not all of them are pleasant though.

"We're leaving in 2 hours so go get packed," my dad spoke quietly. I guess I have no choice so might as well go with it. But I'm gonna make them regret this.

I pack my clothes leaving out the things my mother often bought thinking if I wore them I would turn into an elegant lady. And not a disappointment of a daughter. Oh well I won't have to put up with it for much longer. I can do what I want now.

My clothes and shoes were all packed. They were what people call "emo" or "punk". Most of it was ripped black skinny jeans and band t-shirts. I also had some combat boots and creepers. I packed my jewellery. I had fake stretchers, lip rings and nose rings. I carried my suitcase down to the car taking one last look at my house.

Well this is it...

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