Green Village

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Growing up in a village surrounded by Nature, (as you can see up there^) Uri was fascinated by Mother Nature's Beauty, yet unbridled fury. 

Uri exits his lovely village abode and sets out with Adair, his father, to explore the outside regions of their village, to find more, vivid, and beautiful flowers and trees.

"Dad, look at this one!" Young Uri exclaimed, glaring at the thorny, curling red Rose.

"That's a nice one." Adair said softly.

Uri ponders curiously about the black Rose, about where it came from, how it was even colored -- even how it was made.

"Come, Ur, it might get dark soon." Adair said to Uri. He lied. He sensed a strange weather pattern that will occur later on, but it's strange since sunshine is mostly all they get in their village. Growing up, Adair was a child prodigy, and learned things very quickly, even at a very young age. Surprisingly, he can learn a form of special arts. Magic. He also could do things many other people couldn't, including solve almost impossible situations and equations, or even unusually sense the futures weather patterns, or the future itself, in which he did. He sensed a strong form of a storm, wild storm filled with loud booms of thunder and while wild windy monsoons, and innocent women and children, fighting men, and strange people wrecking the streets. Although vague, he was still frightened.

Uri, on the grassy floor sitting next to the black rose, picks it, hoping to give it to his loving mother. Once done, Adair rushes to Uri and forcefully grabs him and runs while carrying him on his shoulder to his cabin.

Arriving at the his cabin, Adair slams the door open, scaring his wife, Lia, who loudly gasps.

"Stay in here, as long as you can!" Adair yells.

"What's going on Adair?" Lia questions.

"I've sensed something." Adair pauses. "A storm. A..  A.. A wild and vicious storms, with uh, raiders." Adair whispers so Uri can't hear. Terrorists, with powers... Terrorizing the village.. Killing... And, I just hope you know if anything this happens, I want you to know, I -"

Lia pauses Adair. "Yes, I understand."  Lia stressfully sits down on her chair covering her face with both of her hands. "I can't handle this right now, shit, shit, shit!" Lia whispers to herself.

Adair leaves the cabin to watch guard of everything, hoping to alternate the future, without achieving the so called "Butterfly effect."

"Here mom!" Hoping to brighten her stressful and hard day, Uri hands her the black Rose.

"It's nice, I love it." She said softly to Uri.

Probably the last beautiful thing I'll ever see. Lia thinks.

Uri frowns at her noticing her strange behavior and sits down next to her.

Uri hugs her. "I love you." Uri said.

"I love you too." Lia obliged, her eyes swelling, tearing up, and her vision all bleary, hugs him back.

"It's okay, mom." Uri looks at her and smiles.

And so, the storm approaches, and the rough future is near.

Uri μ, a Fairy Tail OCWhere stories live. Discover now