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BOOM! Thunder strikes on the dirt road causing fire to burn anything in the village flammable.

This village no more, raided by hooded, magic using killers, and fire burning down Uri's prized village to ashes. Using their magic, the raiders, men and women, using their magic, to slaughter, men, and even innocent women and children for their delectable, expensive goods for their own desires. Havoc is ramped across the villages streets. Uri and his family were experiencing hell.

Uri's father, Adair, protecting his peers, drenched in sweat and blood continues to fight for his life.

Coming from the back door of Uri's cabin, a thin, hooded woman approaches. A strange woman, obtained a unique magic, that allowed her to shape objects, or even lift them.

"M..M...MOM! WA - " But it was too late.

Using her magic, the woman enlarged the size of the thorns, big enough to slice through Tia's body.

The woman smirked at Tia's moaning in pain.

"AHHHHH!" Tia screamed in pain, as blood was dripping down her body.

Adair stopped. Heard her scream. He knew that scream. Tia. It was Tia.

"Shit, shit, shit! I hope they're okay! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Adair thinks as his eyes starts to tear, running to his cabin.

Adair slams the front door open, only to see Tia in front of Uri to be dead. Drenched in blood, tears, and around her body, thorns.

On the thorns.. blossomed black Roses.

"NOOO!!!!" Adair screams, falling to the ground on his knees.

"YOU BITCH!" Adair yells at the woman, but all she could to was smirk and laugh.

"BLEVE!" (A spell from his Magic, Great Tree Arc, oh, young Uri wanted to learn that Magic badly.) Adair flings his hand up towards her, generating numerous explosions devastating the raider, absolutely killing her. Dead, she falls to the ground.

"Come o..o..n Ur.." Adair tries to say calmly, with cracks in his voice.

And so they escaped, escaped far away from the burning village. Far enough as to were no one knew about it, were no one can talk about it. They were forbidden to talk about it, as it is now a distant memory.

Off they went, leaving their prized village, with hatred on their faces, hoping to exterminate with brutal force whatever caused this.

Uri μ, a Fairy Tail OCWhere stories live. Discover now