The Artistic Guy

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Step motherfucking 1: stalk him

Step 2: Learn his hobbies

Step 3: look up all the paintings that inspire him

Step 4: Try to art

Step 5.1: if you can't art, ask him for help.

Step 5.2: If you can art, unlike me, ask him if he can see in any flaws in your art

Step 6:  Friend him on everything

Step 7: get close to him

Step 8: Eliminate competition, both artistically and romantically

Step 9: confess your love for him

Step 10.1: if he rejects you, kill him.

Step 10.1: If he rejects you, kidnap him and make him have Stockholm syndrome. 

Step 10.3: If he accepts you, rejoice. 

Step 11: If you killed him, MOVE ON!!!

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