Are They Dating?

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Kellin looked nice today. He was wearing this cute fedora that reminded me of Patrick Stump. He also had a oversized red and black flannel over his shirt. I wonder why he always wears long sleeves or over-shirts? It wasn't my place to ask, even if I did, the question would be kinda weird.

"Sorry, I'm late, boys." Mrs. Granger sighed as she rushed in the room, ripping me from my thoughts. "Traffic was insane." Quickly she unpacked her giant bag and gave us back our portraits we were working on. "Finish these up by Wednesday. I will give more time if you both haven't completed the assignment." Kellin and I nodded and started getting to work.

Before I knew it the bell was ringing. I wasn't even half way done! I was working on his eyes and I was just struggling. It seems, I can't get them the way I vision them. I'm not the best drawer; but I'm not that bad either.


Kellin and I had our third period together, as well. It was nice because the teacher had me sitting right next to him on the seating chart. It just made me happy that I had somewhat of a friend to talk to. At my old school I had only a couple friend and most of them were girls.

"Okay class, settle down." Boomed Mr. Blanch's voice. "So I've decided to partner you up in twos and you will both write a song together." The room murmured with excitement. "And your grade will be based on how well you preform it in front of the whole, senior, year, class." Now it was my turn to be excited. I loved singing!

Once we settled down again the teach started naming off the partners. "Oliver and Josh, Justin and Jack Fowler, Gabe and Nick, Jamie and Tay, Jenna and Ariel, Kellin and Victor, Alan and Valentino, Austin and Andrew, Patty and Cody, Ashley and Brendon, Alex and Jack Baracat." I was partners with Kellin! Sweet this was awesome! Honestly I can't wait to work with him.

"One last thing." Mr. Blanch added, "I will separate you if you decide to not take this seriously." He crossed his arms sternly. "Now get to work."

"Hey, partner." I chuckled and turned to Kellin with a smile.

'Hello there.' He smiled and crossed his legs. Damn that was pretty feminine, but still cute.

"So what's the plan, Kells." He blushed darkly at the nick-name. He always blushed when I called him that, I should do it more often.

'What I was thinking, is that since I can't sing, I would play the piano and maybe you could sing if you wanted.' I smiled at how nervous he was.

"I like that idea, Kells. I could play guitar also, if you want?" The shy boy nodded and smiled brightly. "Want to come to my house after school and work on it more?"

'Yah that would be nice. I have to be back home by about six.' I smiled and placed my hand on his leg.

"Alrighty, let's get started then." Kellin glanced down at the placement of my hand and bit his lip, before looking back up at me with nervous eyes.

'Do you have a piano at your house?' He gave me a cute concerned look and bit his lip again.

"Yah, actually, my parents are really into music. We have all kinds of instruments around the house, all the time." I smiled widely as his eye brightened.

'That sounds so nice, Vic.' He was adorable, because his politeness was a killer.

"Yah, it is." I started tapping my pencil, to help me find a beat, so I could add lyrics to it.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kellin scribbling down words. It was kinda cute, how concentrated he was. After a while he glared at the paper and crinkled it up.

"Hey, don't do that Kells." I grabbed the crumbled paper and flattened it out.

'It really bad, Vic.' He let out a sigh as I read it.

Standing in a hallway,
Walls explode with the sound of a flight, yeah,
Searching for a reason
I don't know if I'll make it out alive, alive.

"Dude this is really good. Why don't you like it?" He shrugged and shook his head. "Let's work off it this piece. I think it's really good." I'm an honest person but what I said was a lie. The part he wrote wasn't good. It was really, fucking, amazing! And the fact he wrote it in only about ten minutes was kinda unbelievable.


It came the time for lunch. I spotted Kellin in a corner with a book in his nose, all by himself. I walked over to his empty table and sat down.

"You look lonely." I smiled and pulled my lunch out of my backpack. Yes, my mom packs my lunches.

'Not very. But thanks for joining me.' He smiled and looked back to his book.

"Hey Vic!" Jaime called me from a couple tables over. "Come over here." I shook my head and smiled to be polite.

"Thanks for the offer. I'll just stay with Kellin." I smiled and turned back around to see Kellin looking at me with a confused face. "

"What?" I asked and raised my eyebrow.

'Nothing. That's just not what I'm used to.' He bit his lip.

"What do you mean?" I edged him on and leaned forward more.

'Normally, nobody would be caught dead with me. It's just very strange you would voluntarily sit next to me.'

"Of course I would sit next to you,
Kells. You're my friend." I smiled, causing him to blush. I loved that I had that affect on him. With a single word I can make him go bright red.

"Kellin! What's up you adorable idiot?" A girl with long brown hair gushed as she sat next to him.

'I'm good, Kate.' He wrote on his white-board and smiled as she placed a smooch on his cheek.

Jaime and some other girl walked over and plopped on either side of me. "Well sorry bro, I'm not taking no for an answer." Jaime smiled. "This is Tay." He pointed to the fairly attractive girl on the other side of me.

"Hey, nice to meet you." She smiled and waved.

I looked back over at Kellin and he was talking to this Kate, girl. I'm guessing she was his girlfriend. That made me jealous, honestly.

"Hey, Jaime? Can I ask you something?" I looked over at him and bit my lip.

"Sure, dude. What's up?" He raised his eyebrow and bit into his sandwich.

"Is that Kellin's girlfriend?" I discreetly pointed my index finger at the girl.

Jaime started laughing, "They're both flaming homos, Vic. So I don't think that'd work out." He choked out in-between fits of laughter.

So Kellin was gay. I guess that makes sense. He was pretty feminine and the way he blushes when I talk to him, no straight guy would do that. I honestly did enjoy the attention from him.

"Oh..." Was all I muttered out and glanced at Kellin again. We made eye contact, making both of us blush and look away.

"I see why you asked." Jaime smirked and chuckled under his breath.

"What's that suppose to mean?" My eyes widened and I blushed.

"Come on, Hun. It's obvious you like him." Tay said sweetly and patted my back. Jeez these people were really friendly.

"I do not! I-I'm not even gay!" I whispered harshly.

"Don't have to be." Jaime shrugged, "you could be demisexual, or pansexual."

"Or Kellin-sexual," Tay giggled.

"I'm not any of those." I mumbled and crossed my arms.

"The longer you deny it, the worse it will get." Jaime patted my back and smiled.

I grumbled under my breath and bit into my burrito. Why can't I just marry food?

(A/N): Have another chapter! Only because I love you!!!

The Mute Boy And The New Kid {Kellic}Where stories live. Discover now