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Kellin has been hanging out at my house after school for a couple days. In those days, we finally finished the song. We called it 2 Chord. It was really perfect, we made sure everything was exactly how we wanted it to be. We had to play it in front of all the seniors tomorrow, and I wasn't nervous at all, surprisingly.

Currently, Kellin was in my room, helping me with my algebra homework. He was super smart and I was actually amazed that his brain could work that fast.

"Is the answer 45?" I questioned and looked up at him. Kellin was sitting with his legs crossed next to me, his hands folded neatly in his lap. I handed him the paper, and the problem that took me 20 minutes to do, he solved in less then 20 seconds!

'No. Try again, but the problem was that you forgot to divide the exponent by its whole value.' He rubbed my back and smiled. 'You'll get it.'

"I give up!" I pout at him and cross my arms.

'Come on Vic! If you get it right I'll reward you?' He raised his eyebrow to bribe me.

"And what do I get for this reward?" I question in a sassy tone.

'Well, you'll just have to find out.' Kellin challenged and smiled at me cutely.

Over the past couple day my crush on him has grown a lot. I couldn't help it, he was just too cute for his own good.

"You're mean Kellin Quinn, very mean." I winked and started over on the problem, while Kellin watched me in wait. After a while he laid his head in my lap and I brushed my hand through his hair, subconsciously. He really was like a kitten, so cute and innocent and he loved cuddles! I've never actually cuddled with him but when we watch moves, he always ends up hugging a pillow or a blanket.

"Finished!" I exclaimed and Kellin sat up, checking my work.

'Good job Vic!' He smiled and handed my paper back to me. 'You got everything right.'

"Now, what about that reward?" I smile and brushed my thumb across his cheek. God, his skin was really soft!

'I did promise one, didn't I?' He smiled and nuzzled his cheek into my hand.

"Yes, you did." Kellin crawled closer to me on the bed and placed his hand on the side of my face, leaning in and quickly pecking my cheek. He sat back with a red blush all over his face and shyly looked down in his lap. "I liked that reward." I try my best to sound flirty and I wink at him. "If I get the next problem right, can I get another one?" I scoot closer to him and tuck some of his hair behind his ear.

'You can have one, whenever you want.' He smiled and blushed lightly as he looked up at me.

"Is that so? What about now?" I smirk and wink at him again.

'Well, I guess you've been working pretty hard.' He gave me a cute grin and leaned in again, giving my cheek another quick kiss. He was so fucking adorable!

"What would you do if I gave you a kiss?" I smile in a flirty way.

'Well, you could find out.' He giggles softly and blushes. I pull him in my lap and quickly kiss both of his cheeks. His blush afterwards was the cutest thing ever.

"Next problem?" I chuckled, causing Kellin to look up at me and smile. "If I get it right, I hope I can have a reward."


I woke up the next day and I was sick. My throat was sore, when ever I talked I sounded like a dying whale! The worst part was that Kellin and I had the song today. I was totally fucked....

Once I made my way up to my first period, I saw Kellin, already in the room. I waved to him and he smiled back at me.

'Good morning, Vic.' He greeted me and I sat next to him. 'Ready for the song?' His smile was so bright and excited.

"Y-yah," I croaked out. I didn't want to disappoint him, so I'll just suck it up for today and sing, no matter how much it hurts.

'Are you okay?' Kellin gave me a concerned look and ran his hand down my arm in a caring way.

"Just t-tired." I gave him my best fake smile.

'You can sleep, until the bell rings. I'll wake you up, it's in about 20 minutes?" He suggested and I just smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder, dozing off.


I was awaken by Kellin shaking me slightly. "Go away." I groan and nuzzle into Kellin shoulder. He pushed me off of him and smiles playfully.

'Wake up, sleepy.' I smile at him and pulled his body in my lap, so he was sitting on me. I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly and nuzzled my head in his back.

"You're really light." I chuckle and kiss his shoulder softly as he blushes. I sway us back and forth softly as we wait for the teacher.

'Vic, why are you so nice and sweet to me?' He signed and laid against my chest.

"I don't know. I guess 'cause you're a cute and sweet guy and you need someone to pay attention to you." I flirt and kiss behind his ear softly.

'I like being in your arms.' He pulls my hands to his chest and laces our fingers together.

"I like having you in my arms." I smile. My throat hurt so fucking bad and I wanted to rip out my vocal cords! I have no idea how I'm supposed to sing today...

The Mute Boy And The New Kid {Kellic}Where stories live. Discover now