Chapter Two ;

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Cadence Jean Waverly yawned softly as she crossed her tired arms against her chest, feeling her eyes slowly droop as she rested her head against her boyfriend’s shoulder. Her dark, mysterious brown eyes seemed to scream out for sleep, but she wouldn’t allow herself to fall. Cadence sighed, glancing up at her boyfriend, tugging softly on his arm as she stood from her spot. Colby stared up at her, his hazel eyes also in a tired state. He mirrored her actions, grunting as he slowly rose from the couch. Cadence smiled softly as he threw his arm in the air, waving his hand around, yelling out a tired goodbye to their friends.

Cadence followed Colby from the rowdy house, slipping into the passenger seat of their 1966 Ford Mustang. Cadence yawned, pressing her forehead against the cold glass of the window, letting her eyes slip shut as she heard Colby step into the car. Her mind went blank and she slowly fell into a light sleep, still able to hear each and every sound around her. Cadence felt an uneasy feeling hit her stomach. She winced slightly, opening her eyes, and at that very moment, everything seemed to be traveling in slow motion.

The car came at them full speed, hitting their car with such force, flipping them several times before the car folded against a tree, crushing the top completely against it. Cadence whimpered, rocking her head back and forth, screaming out in pain as she pulled herself from the pummeled seat. Salty tears soaked into the fresh cut flesh of her cheeks, turning the tears red as they continued down her dirty face.

Cadence slowly crawled through an opening of the shaved metal, screaming out in pain as she clutched her leg, rolling onto her back, her lungs throbbing from the amount of screaming that escaped her rugged body.

Sirens could be heard in the distance as Cadence tried pulling her body up into a standing position. She limped over to the other side of the car, tears streaming down her face as she lowered herself to the ground, eyes scanning the inside of the broken car, not finding what she wanted inside.

Cadence screamed, thrusting her fist against the grass, tears escaping her dark eyes. Cadence rolled onto her back, a man with a paramedics uniform was in view. Cadence stood up, clutching onto the man’s leg as she pulled herself up. She leaned her body against his as he took her in his arms.

“I’m here to help you. You are going to be okay sweetheart. Just listen to me, how many fingers am I holding up?” Cadence struggled to stand as she gripped onto his navy blue shirt. She slowly lowered herself to the ground, bringing the man down with her. The man sighed, holding up his hand once again. Cadence flinched as he shone a bright light into each of her eyes.

“Three.” Cadence cried as another man joined their side. Soft hands went around her neck, lifting her head up slowly as they placed a brace around her neck. Cadence closed her eyes softly as she heard the boots of yet another man join them. He was carrying a long, bright yellow backboard. The short man placed it on the ground beside her as the other two gently rolled her to one side. The backboard was scooted beneath her and she was rolled back onto her back.

Cadence felt a sticky substance around her forehead as they strapped her head into the protective socket of the backboard., lifting her bloody body onto the gurney beside them. Cadence screamed out, trying to rock her head back and forth, but failing miserably.

“COLBY! WHERE’S COLBY?!” Cadence cried, struggling to lift herself from the gurney. She felt the soft hands of the young man wrap around her arm, the sting of alcohol being poured into her wounds made her scream out in pain once again.

“Colby is alright. He is being transferred to the hospital in another ambulance. He will be okay. Please, hold still honey so I can clean you up.” Cadence gave up, tears softly flowing from her eyes as she stared up at the man who had piercing green eyes and a soft voice.

“What’s your name?”

“Cadence.” The man above her smiled softly as he continued to clean her up. Cadence closed her eyes, the tears still managing to escape her eyes.

“I’m Zacky. How old are you? Do you feel any sort of pressure in your arms, legs, stomach, or head?” Cadence nodded gently.

“I’m 26. Yeah. In my stomach I feel a little pressure. In my right leg, I feel massive pressure. I think it is broken. My neck hurts, really bad; and I have a fucking headache.” Cadence heard the man above her chuckle, a small smile raising her blood crusted lips. She watched him closely as he reached above her, grabbing a pair of scissors from the shelf.

“I’m going to cut your jeans so I can take a look at your legs.”

“Awe, man. Come on. These are my favorite jeans.” Cadence heard Zacky snort above her, as he reached for her jeans. She cried softly as he cut them, not stopping until he reached the middle of her bruised thigh. Zacky nodded as he placed her jeans over her leg, pressing his hand into her stomach, glancing up at her as she winced in pain. Cadence cried softly, opening her eyes as Zacky spoke.

“I think you may have some internal injuries, but let’s leave it up to the doctor to decide on that. Let’s check your pulse.” Cadence slowly started to drift away, as she felt a hand push her blood encrusted hair out of her face. The pain, the worry, the misery subsided as she drifted away, not knowing where she would end up.

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