Chapter Five ;

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Zachary James Baker sat silently in his black recliner, staring down at the ice cold Bud Light, turning it slightly before bringing it up to his pierced lips. He pulled the bottle from his lips, resting it on the arm of the chair, adjusting himself slightly before closing his emerald eyes. Three loud knocks echoed throughout the house, muffled laughter streaming in from the other side of the mahogany door. Zack sighed, reaching down to pull the leaver of the recliner. He stood from his spot, setting the bottle on the coffee table before shuffling over to the door.

Zack opened it slowly, his tired eyes landing on four, smiling men that stood on his porch. He smiled softly, stepping aside, allowing the men to take over his living room. Zack shut the door, running his fingers through his messy black hair before grabbing his beer from the table. He returned to his spot on the recliner, leaning back into it as he brought the bottle back up to his plump lips.

“Dude, so...who the fuck is this chick that Matt keeps telling us about?” Zack glanced up at the man who had spoken those words, Brian Haner. His raven hair stuck out in all directions. His tattooed arms were folded across his perfectly toned chest. His chocolate eyes stared back at Zack, waiting for a solid answer.

Zack nodded his head, clearing his throat as he crossed his arms across his chest. “I'm pretty sure he told you that she was the girl from the wreck the other night.” Brian nodded his head, standing from his spot on the couch, walking into the kitchen to grab a beer. Brian returned moments later, four cold beers held between his fingers. He handed them to each of the other men in the room. Brian reached for Zack's sandal on the floor, taking it between his hands as he turned it over, pressing the bottom of it to the top of the beer as he popped the top off. Zack chuckled, watching as each man in the room opened their beers with his shoe.

“Anyways, yeah. I got to know her a little bit at the hospital the other day after she woke up. She's...pretty fuckin' cool from what I know of her.”

“What does she look like? Like...under all the cuts and bruises and shit?” The shortest of the men asked. His name was Johnny. His hair was shaved into a short mohawk, and his small arms were littered with tattoos.

“She's just...beautiful. Downright beautiful. She has dark hair, and dark eyes. She is fun and outgoing and” Johnny chuckled, setting his beer down on the coffee table and placing his hands on his knees.

“Would you fuck her?”

“Come on Man, you are really asking me that? Yes.” The room echoed with laughter. Zack smiled softly as he played with his septum piercing, watching his friends as they made silly faces at him.

“Zacky's in LOOOVVVEEEE!” Johnny yelled in a high pitched voice, lacing his fingers together against his chest and batting his eyelashes. Zack blushed, shaking his head as he continued to play with his piercings. A nervous habit of his.

“I'm not in love. I kind of like her. She's different. Unique. But I sure as hell am not in love.” Zack placed his hands on the arms of the chair, pushing himself up, walking into the kitchen to throw his empty bottle into the recycle bin. A tall man by the name of Jimmy, followed him. His piercing blue eyes glared down at Zack. His skinny body leaned against the counter, crossing his colorful arms across his chest as he continued to glare.

“What, bro?” Zack asked, pulling himself up to sit on the marble counter top.

“Something is bothering you.” Jimmy softened his glare, seeing right through Zack. He smiled softly, waiting for Zack to answer.

“Yeah. She has a boyfriend.” Zack laced his fingers together over his thighs, staring down at them before flattening them out against his legs. “He beats her, dude. He fuckin' talks shit to her and abuses her and you don't know how fucking bad I want to kick his ass. I hardly know Cadence and I don't even know the boyfriend, but I want to protect her and her brother from him. I know it's stupid, but...yeah.” Zack lifted his emerald orbs to meet Jimmy's, expecting to hear laughter erupt from his thin lips, but he was surprised when that didn't happen.

“It's not stupid. Ever heard of love at first sight? Maybe it has cursed you. I don't blame you for wanting to protect her, that guy sounds like a fuck. If you like her man, keep talking to her. Fuck. She may even like you, and she could always leave her shit ass boyfriend for you. You never fucking know. I was the same with Lily. When I first saw her, I knew that was it. I fell in love and I love her with everything I've got. Maybe, now it is finally your turn.” Jimmy uncrossed his arms from his chest, smiling softly at Zack before leaving the room.

Zachary squinted his eyes as he processed Jimmy's words. He never would've expected those words to come out of Jimmy's mouth. Jimmy never really gave him good advice, but there was a first time for everything. Zack smirked to himself. Love at first sight. Zack was never one to believe in love at first sight, he barely believed in love as it is. Zack knew that Cadence would be able to change his mind in a heartbeat, if she ever gave him a chance.

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