Chapter Three ;

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Zachary James Baker stood with his back against the white wall, running his fingers through his sweaty hair as his tired eyes followed the frantic people as they scurried around the hospital. He opened his mouth wide as a yawn escaped, a groan protruding from the back of his throat as he crossed his arms against his chest.

“Hey man, whatcha up too?” Matthew Charles Sanders slapped a hand down on the tired man's shoulder, a whine escaping the crevice of his lips as he closed his eyes, leaning his head against the cold wall.

“Just waiting for our fucking shift to be over. I am tired as hell, man.” Zack sighed, running his sweaty palms down his face, glancing up at the taller man that stood beside him. Matthew nodded, pulling the small, plastic bottle up to his lips, taking in the last of the clear liquid that clung to the bottom.

“So, did you hear anything on that girl from the other night?” Matthew asked, catching Zack's full attention. Zachary's mind slipped away to replay the accident from the other night, shaking his head as he let his eyes slip down to the floor.

“I know what room she is in, if you want to go and see her.” Zachary smiled, nodding his head as he followed Matt to the elevators, excitement growing in his heart as he stared at the red, block numbers playing on the small screen just above the elevator doors. A ding echoed throughout the silent elevator, the doors opening slowly as Matt stepped out first, Zachary following closely behind.

Matthew stopped in front of a closed door, glancing back at Zack, biting his lip softly before pressing his hand to the cold handle. Matt opened the door quietly, letting Zack peek his head inside. Zachary's heart broke as he saw the beautiful girl from just a few nights ago laying motionless in the uncomfortable hospital bed.

“Can I help you two?” Zack jumped, turning around quickly, eying the boy that stood just a few feet from him. Zack opened his mouth, nothing coming out as he tried to speak.

“Uhm, my friend, Zack here, wanted to come check up on...Uh...” Matt glanced down at his friend, hoping that Zachary had caught her name just a few nights back.

“Cadence.” Zachary whispered, just barely enough to were Matt could hear him.

“Cadence, right. Yeah, we are the paramedics that helped her and her boyfriend in the accident the other night. We came to see if she was doing alright.” The boy nodded, slipping between the two as he slowly walked into the bright room. He grabbed a chair and scooted it next to her bed, taking a seat as he glanced back at the men.

“You guys gonna come in?” The boy asked.

“Zack, why don't you go ahead. I have to get downstairs and talk to Johnny.” Zachary nodded his head and he stepped into the room, placing a hand on his hip and running his fingers through his hair as he grabbed a chair from the windowsill, bringing it next to Cadence's bed, opposite the young boy.

“So, are you related to Cadence?” Zachary asked, placing his elbows on the wood arms of the chair, folding his fingers between each other as he glanced up at the raven haired kid.

“I'm her younger brother, Roen. You are?” Zachary smiled, his gaze leaving Roen and landing back on Cadence, she looked peaceful as her chest rose, slowy falling back down to it's original state.

“I'm Zachary Baker. You can call me Zack or Zacky. Whichever you prefer.” Zack smiled at Roen, earning a slight smile back. He watched closely as Roen reached for his sister's hand, taking it gently between both of his, bringing it to his lips, closing his eyes as he pressed them against her hand.

“Thank you. You practically saved her life the other night. I don't know what I would ever do if I lost my sister.” Zachary choked back tears, his breath hitching in his throat as he nodded his head softly, a weak smile playing at his lips.

“We don't have any immediate family. It is just Cadence and I. And her stupid ass boyfriend is always around. I hate him.” Roen glanced up at Zack, tears visible in his hazel eyes.

“You don't like her boyfriend?” Zack leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees, pressing his palms together as he laced his fingers.

“I fucking hate that prick. He treats Cadence like shit. He treats me like shit. He hits her sometimes. She is just so afraid of being alone that she just won't get rid of him. I just wish sometimes he was dead.” Roen groaned, biting his lip as he looked away, letting the tears fall quietly from his eyes.

“I know how you feel, bro. I know exactly how you feel.” Roen nodded, wiping his tears away as he stared back down at his sister.

“So, what made you want to come visit her? I've never heard of paramedics visiting the patients before, unless they were family or some shit.” Zachary grinned, he liked this kid. He leaned back in his chair, spreading his legs slightly as he placed his laced hands on his chest.

“Uhm, well, Cadence and I talked a little bit the other night while I was helping her in the ambulance. I got to know her somewhat. She was funny. Making jokes while she was in complete pain. I wanted to make sure she was okay, because I want to get to know her better.”

“Yeah, Cadence is definitely a character.” Roen chuckled to himself, staring down at his beloved sister, grasping her hand again as he brought it to his lips.

“Could you maybe...tell me more about her?” Roen slightly glared at Zack as he placed Cadence's hand gently on her stomach.

“Tell me about you first, then I'll tell you about her.” Zack nodded.

“Well, my name is Zachary James Baker. I am 27 years old. I've been a paramedic for 5 years. I have lots of tattoos, a couple piercings, which I am not really allowed to have at my job, but I do it anyways 'cause I like to break the rules. Uhm, I play guitar every once in a while when I am not busy. That's about it.”

“You seem like a cool person, Zack.”

“This is Cadence Jean Waverly. She is 26 years old and very headstrong. Cadence will not take no for an answer, ever. Don't argue with her, she will always win. Cadence is extremely funny and loves to goof around a lot, even when people are trying to be serious. She loves music, and also, plays the occasional guitar and piano. She sings, which she is fucking amazing at. And she has a temper.”

Zachary smiled softly to himself as he stared down at the gorgeous girl, wishing ever so much to reach down and touch her bruised and broken face. His heart raced in his chest as he continued staring at her, getting lost in his thoughts, not listening to a word Roen was uttering.

“Dude. Bro?” Roen asked, staring at him wide eyed before Zack responded. Zachary shook the thoughts from his mind as he rose from his chair, letting his sweaty palms travel down his navy blue work pants.

“Thank you for everything. Cadence seems like an amazing person. I have to roll now, people are probably waiting for me downstairs. I abandoned my job.” Zachary chuckled as he shoved his hands into his pockets, slowly walking towards the door.

“It was nice meeting you Zack. Please, don't feel obliged to come back later. I am sure Cadence would love to talk to you when she wakes up. I'd like to talk to you more too.” Zack smiled softly as he stepped from the room, his smile growing larger as he advanced towards the elevator. He thought about Cadence the rest of the day, the smile never fading from his lips.

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