Chapter Six ;

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Cadence Jean Waverly giggled softly as she lowered herself from the hospital bed, placing her small feet on the cold, linoleum floor. She lifted her right foot, bringing it forward as she took small, baby steps toward her personal bathroom. She clutched onto Roen as he led her to the bathroom, a pair of sweatpants and a tank top of hers hung over his left arm. Cadence smiled up at him as she snatched the clothes from his arms, pressing her lips to his cheek as she pushed him from the bathroom, slamming the door in his face.

Cadence glanced at herself in the mirror, grimacing softly as she reached her fingers up to her face. Her hair was matted against her black and blue skin. A small cut clung to the side of her lip. She touched her fingers to it, tears invading her dark eyes as she closed them, not wanting the salty tears to fall. She reached down and grabbed the hairbrush that sat on top of her clothes. She pulled it roughly through her hair, not caring about the pain or damage it had caused. Her hair was greasy as she ran her fingers through it, pulling it up into a tight bun on top of her head.

She smiled softly as she reached behind her, pulling gently on the strings of the hospital gown, watching as it fell from her body. Her naked chest was now visible in the mirror in front of her. She stared at herself, eyes scanning each cut and bruise that littered her body. Tears crept down her cheeks as she ran her fingers over her abdomen, shivering slightly as the pain shot through her body. Cadence shook her head, sighing softly as she pulled her bra on. She lowered herself down onto the closed toilet lid, pulling the sweat pants over her legs before standing again.

“Cadie? You alright in there?” Roen's soft voice came through the door. Cadence nodded her head softly as she finished pulling her clothes on. She opened the door, smiling up at him softly before slowly walking past him. Roen wrapped his large hand around her upper arm, feeling her rip away from him roughly as she whipped around.

“I can get to the bed myself.” Cadence harshly whispered, tears stinging her dark eyes. She made her way back to the uncomfortable hospital bed, climbing onto it slowly, pulling the thin blankets up to her chin. She closed her eyes, letting the tears seep through the tight crevices.

“What's wrong?” Roen groaned. He leaned forward in his chair as he stared at Cadence, his soft, chocolate eyes filling with hurt as he watched her slowly open her eyes. She opened her mouth, but words were not present. She slowly pulled herself into a sitting position, pulling her legs up to her chest, wrapping her tired arms around them.

“I don't...understand.” Cadence whispered, pushing her face between her arms and legs.

“You don't understand what?” Roen asked, scooting his chair closer. He placed his hand on her back, running it slowly along her spine.

“I don't understand how that fucker, Zacky, could think I'm beautiful. My face is disgusting. I have cuts and bruises everywhere. My body is gross. I'm not a stable person. I haven't been on since Mom and Dad died. Colby is right. I am stupid. I am ugly. I am fat.” Cadence cried, causing Roen to sigh. He patted her thigh so she could move over in the bed as he climbed in. He wrapped his arms around her shaky body, pushing her head down onto his chest, cradling her softly as he rocked back and forth.

“I don't ever want to here you fucking say that shit again. Zacky is right. You are the most beautiful girl. You have a few cuts and bruises because of the car accident. They are only temporary. They will fade with time. Just because you aren't stable, doesn't mean that you don't deserve to be happy. I know how you felt about Mom and Dad, that feeling is never going to leave. Yeah, it may disintegrate a little bit, but it will always dwell inside. Colby is a fucking prick ass cock sucking bitch. He doesn't deserve your greatness. You just need to give up on him, because he is never going to change. That Zacky guy is nice, from what I know of him. I know you like him...”

“I don't fucking like him...” Cadence pushed away from Roen, shifting so that her body was facing his slightly. Her glazed, chocolate eyes stared at him wide eyed. She shook her head softly.

“I love Colby.” She whispered, lowering her gaze. Roen shook his head, pulling her back into his body.

“You don't love Colby. You think you do, but you don't. You just say you do because you are too afraid to leave him. Maybe now is the time to do it. You have someone else interested in you. Someone better. Someone strong. Someone who has a good head on their shoulders. Who doesn't treat women like shit. I like him Cadence, and you should too. Besides, he's cute.”

“Then why don't you date him!?” Cadence growled, pushing herself away from him, crossing her arms across her chest.

“Because I highly doubt he is gay. He shows interest in you. Just give him a chance.” Cadence sighed, knowing that Roen was not going to give up. She glanced up at him with tired eyes, a small smirk invading her lips as she shook her head.

“I love you Little Brother.” She whispered, wrapping her arms around his torso, pressing her face into his chest. She felt him giggled beside her as he wrapped his arms around her.

“I love you Big Sister.”

“I need to talk to Colby.” Cadence whispered into his chest, sighing softly as he pulled away. He nodded his head as he climbed from the bed. Cadence pressed the little red button on the side of her bed, extending her legs out in front of her, placing her hands on her knees as she waited patiently for the nurse to arrive.

“Yes?” A short, chubby nurse walked into the room. Her pink scrubs were ironed to perfection. Her white tennis shoes didn't show any signs of dirt. Her short, blonde hair was pulled into a straight ponytail.

“Uhm, is there any way of finding out information on my boyfriend, Colby Tribbett?” Cadence stared softly at the nurse as she nodded her head, holding up her pointer finger as she walked out of the room.

Cadence smiled softly, her heart racing in her chest as the nurse returned with a clipboard. She licked her manicured nails, pushing them down on the paper, lifting them up as she canned the pages.

“Colby Tribbett is in a coma at the moment. We don't know when he will be waking up. It could be a few days, weeks, or even years. He had some damage to his temporal lobe. Some internal bleeding in his abdomen. That's about it.” Cadence nodded her head slowly, a happy feeling growing inside her. She knew she shouldn't be feeling that way, but she couldn't get rid of it.

“Thanks.” The nurse smiled softly and left the room. Roen held a large grin on his face as he stared back at Cadence.

“Hopefully he suffers from memory loss too.” Cadence shook her head, sighing loudly as she lowered herself back onto the hospital pillows. Her mind was jumbled and confused. Cadence wanted so badly to end it with Colby, but part of her still loved him, the old him. She thought of Zacky, his beautiful green eyes were visible in her mind, and she couldn't help but to smile. She didn't know what to do, but she knew that she had to figure it out soon. Zacky wouldn't wait for her for forever. She had to make a decision. And she knew exactly what it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2011 ⏰

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