Chapter Four ;

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Roen Mitchel Waverly sighed heavily as he ran his large hand through the sweaty, tangled mess of hair on top of his head. Glancing down at his watch, Roen shook his head. The time nearing almost 8:30 in the morning. Roen lifted his hand up, gently rubbing his tired eyes, glancing down at his motionless sister. Tears threatened to fall from his hazel eyes, but he wouldn't let them. He needed to stay strong.

Roen reached for Cadence's hand, pressing both of his to her cold, bruised one, bringing it up to his lips gently as he closed his eyes. The tears pushing their way through the tightly closed crevices of his eyes, raining down onto Cadence's soft hand.

Roen jumped slightly as he felt a small squeeze on his hand. He tore his hazel eyes open, jumping from his seat as he stared down at the girl. A small smile was plastered on her lips as her damaged eyes opened, pulling a heavily bruised arm over them as she struggled to sit up in the uncomfortable bed.

“Roen? Can you turn off the fucking light? Damn.” Roen couldn't move. His large eyes just stared down at her, as if none of this were real. Cadence glanced up at him, smiling as he slowly backed away, flipping the light switch off.

“Cadence. How do you feel?” Roen asked, lowering himself back into the uncomfortable chair. He couldn't peel his eyes away from her. He was stunned beyond belief.

“I feel...Like shit, but that's okay. At least I am awake right?” Cadence chuckled, relief pulsing through Roen's veins as a smile spread on his lips. Cadence groaned softly as she pulled herself into a sitting position, gently pulling her legs as close to her as possible before setting her hands in her lap.

“Uhm. This guy, Zacky, he came here yesterday.” Cadence softly smiled, her brown eyes glowing in the dark room. Cadence had remembered the nice man with the piercing green eyes from just a few days back. He helped her. He had practically saved her life.

“Oh yeah. What did he want?” Cadence asked, running her throbbing fingers through her tangled, curly hair.

“He wanted to know more about you. I told him to tell me about him first, before I told him about you.” Cadence grinned, glancing down at her fingers as she played with them in a nervous manner.

“What is he like?” Cadence asked, leaning forward slightly. A grimace shot through her face as she reached behind her, bringing her hand down on the bruised area of her back, rubbing it softly.

“He is really nice. Like, extremely nice. I don't remember all that he said, but I like him. A whole hell of a lot more then fucking Colby.” Cadence nodded her head, her eyes growing dark once again as she thought about her boyfriend.

“Is he alright? Have you heard anything?” Roen grunted, shaking his head as Cadence sighed, closing her eyes as she leaned back into the pillows.

A loud knock filled the room as Cadence lifted her tired eyes, a small smile growing on her sore lips as the beautiful, green-eyed man named Zacky stood by the door. His piercing green eyes lit up as they landed on her. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as she sat up in bed, smiling softly at him as he slowly walked across the room.

“Hi.” Cadence whispered, her dark eyes never leaving his as he pulled up a chair next to her bed. Roen smiled at the two, silently standing and slithering out of the room.

“Hello Cadence. How are you feeling?” Cadence tilted her head to the side, drawing in a deep breath before she started to talk.

“Honestly, I feel like fucking shit. I need some vicodin or something because pain is just...ugh. Everywhere.” Zachary nodded his head, reaching up and pressing the Nurse button just to the side of her bed.

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